Your emotional baseline and your chances for success

your-emotional-baselineI read a very interesting article 1 today. It is about being able to predict from how you were as a baby and toddler your chances for success, your chances for being smart, your chances for aberrant, deviant behavior, like crime or addictions.

And although most of you, if you read it, will be resigned to how you turned out, or alternatively argue till you are hoarse with the predictions, there is a more constructive way to read the article: get guidance.

Of course, if you are already having trouble in life, you are habitually relating to everything as a good reason to get depressed, turn to the bottle, get angry, or eat more m&m’s, but if you are not quite there, there is the guidance I recommend that you get:

All of those signs you demonstrated as a toddler are correctable by the Bach Flower Energies.

If you have a propensity for being impatient, wanting immediate gratification, not being able to hang in there and do what you need to do even if it is tedious, or unsuccessful at the moment, the Bach Flower Energy Impatience will increase your capacity for more patience, so you can actually get something done, learn something, hang in there.

emotion_thermostatIf you get moody, mood swings, go from hot to cold, and are jerked by your own emotions, and you are the terror of your environment; if people are tiptoeing around you in fear of your outbursts, you can tone it down by the Bach Flower Energies.

If you are aimless, purposeless, want to sleep away your life… ditto. The energies in the Heaven on Earth will gently remove the genetic depression response, and you’ll start becoming a productive member of life.

Fear, procrastination, impulsiveness, blaming, being judgmental, or being down on yourself all response incredibly well to the energies in the Heaven on Earth.

We all have something, emotional base line, that hold us back in life, and it is called base line, because left to our own devices, we return to it, as if it were a thermostat… It cannot be fixed, and probably cannot be changed: you were born that way.

Changing your emotional base line is like changing your hair color: the roots will grow out and then you have to color your hair again.

I know everybody is promising you that you can change permanently, but they are lying to you. You cannot and won’t change permanently. But you can manage your deficiencies, and live a full productive life, if you give up listening to the liars, the charlatans, the snake oil salesmen out there, that masquerade as energy healers, and such bull crap.

I have been selling the Heaven on Earth about two years now, and everyone who stayed on it reports a steady and reliable improvement in their lives.

What you do while you are feeling better about yourself and the world, is of course up to you.

Your potential is either worked towards or not… The decision is yours.

But at least you have the potential. Because, between you and me, an angry, judgmental, moody, depressed, fearful person’s potential is very limited. And your results are a testimony to that.

heaven on Earth remedyThe Heaven on Earth exclusively deals with your emotions. It doesn’t do the work you need to do, but it is easier to do things when you are not in the prison of your base line, when you are not that angry, judgmental, touchy, taking everything personally person who you are without the Remedy.

You can, of course, continue looking for the instant cure. I really don’t care. But now, at least you know that it is you who is stupid. In addition to being angry, judgmental, defensive, resistant, arrogant, or whatever you are.

You can make your own, using the HOE audio, or you can get yourself on autoship so you don’t run out.

The biggest benefit of making your own, is that there is no alcohol in the remedy you make.

But if you are a “beginner” you’ll probably let the audio just sit there, hoping that just having it will do its job. It won’t.

So I recommend a few months of actually buying the remedy from me, and when you become more of a person, with more control over your actions, you may be able to trust yourself to make the remedy, every day, and drink it throughout the day, so you can be a different person, someone who can, someone who will be happier, more balanced, more pleasant, get along with others better, and produce more success in your life.

The remedy is not shipped to Canada.

HOE audio is the exact energy recorded that I use and you can use so you can make your own: click here to learn more

Don’t be stupid, don’t be arrogant. I take it myself every day. Without it I would be moody, depressed, impatient and arrogant: a definite prescription for failure in life, to be unhappy, alone, lonely, fat and sick.

PS: Your vibration

The consciousness scale, map of consciousness, and other stuff shows you emotions as the result of your vibration, the indicator of your vibration. It is very far from the truth. It is misleading: you are trying to raise your vibration so you can feel better, be more successful, etc…

The correct order is this:

  1. Stabilize your emotions with the Bach Energies
  2. Raise your emotional baseline with the Harmonize your vibration Avatar State Audio
  3. With this new emotional baseline you are able to do more work, see more, understand more, be more intelligent
  4. Read my articles, watch my webinar replays, join my coaching programs, where I teach what is the kind of work that raises your vibration, raises your consciousness. Not available unless you have done the previous points!
  5. Keep up what stabilizes your emotions and keep up the spiritual work of raising your vibration, bringing your knowledge, beliefs, behavior more in alignment with reality
  6. Enjoy the results of the increased accuracy in viewing reality… real results in the real world.
  7. Rinse and repeat… as long as you do these steps, your vibration will rise, or at the minimum will plateau at a nice height. As soon as you stop it will go back BELOW where you started. Sorry, just the nature of the beast…
  1. 6 Insane Things Science Can Predict About You at Infancy

    We like to think that, for the most part, who we are is based on life experience, hard knocks and good old-fashioned attitude. Sure, genetics plays a part, but ultimately it’s your own choices that matter — you’re not “destined” to be anything.

    But science, as it usually does, has some surprising and kind of scary things to tell us. Apparently, no matter what kind of life you lead, scientists can still figure out who you’ll be at 30 based on who you were as a toddler. Studies show …

    #6. If a 4-Year-Old Is Patient, He or She Will Be a Successful Adult

    In the 1960s, a Stanford psychologist basically tortured 653 4- to 6-year-old kids by putting candy in front of them and telling them not to eat it. In the process, he may have unlocked the entire secret to a successful life.

    The experiment went like this: The children were placed in front of a plate of treats like marshmallows and Oreos and told that they had a choice — they could either choose one treat right away, or get two treats later. All they had to do to double their treats was sit alone with the candy for 15 minutes while the researcher left the room. It was testing their ability to delay gratification.

    Naturally, most of the kids at least attempted to wait, but when left alone, they began sweating and seizing like heroin addicts. Most of them cracked and went on a sugar-devouring rampage. Only about 30 percent were able to hang in there for the whole 15 minutes. And those kids wound up being more successful in life.

    They found this out with a follow-up study on those same kids, and learned that the impatient children were more likely to be stressed, found it harder to maintain friendships and had lower SAT scores. The SAT scores of the kids who delayed gratification for the full 15 minutes were, on average, 210 points higher, and their parents described them as “significantly more competent.” Though at this stage, it could still theoretically be chalked up to the brain-destroying power of marshmallow overconsumption.

    Then, in their 30s, the patient kids were living Leave It to Beaver-like lives of happiness and success, and the impatient kids were more likely to be fat, unhappy drug addicts. So the researchers decided to scan their subjects’ brains to see what was going on up there. Apparently, the patient subjects had a lot of prefrontal cortex activity, meaning they had greater control over social behavior and planning. The scans of the impatient kids showed more activity in the ventral striatum, the portion of the brain commonly linked with addiction.

    So, if you want to predict the futures of the 4- to 6-year-old children in your life, tell them to not eat a marshmallow for 15 minutes. If they don’t eat it, continue pumping cash into their college funds. If they do, just go ahead and buy that speedboat you’ve always wanted.

    #5. Babies Fed on Demand Are More Likely to Be Smart

    So, now that you’re familiar with the above test, you might think that this means good parents will teach their kids to wait for their food, damn it! If they’re not born with the ability to delay gratification, then you’ll delay it for them! That’ll teach the little bastards!

    Nope. While conventional wisdom says that giving kids what they want, whenever they want, is the best way to create terrible humans, research says otherwise — at least when we’re talking about infants. Babies who are fed on their own terms (i.e., “whenever they start crying”) have IQs up to five points higher at age 8 than babies who are fed according to a set schedule. They also do better on their SATs — the effect lasts right through their teens.

    And this was a huge study, too — 10,419 children all together. The Institute for Social and Economic Research found that “schedule-fed babies performed around 17 percent of a standard deviation below demand-fed babies in standardized tests at all ages, and four points lower in IQ tests at age 8 years.”

    And yes, before you ask, this proved still to be true after the study had corrected for socially disadvantaged kids and mothers who couldn’t afford to feed their kids until they started trying to eat the bars of their cribs. In fact, poor kids scored the same advantage as rich kids who were just as demanding.

    Author and psychologist Penelope Leach says it has to do with the development of the baby brain, which is in the early stages of learning how to communicate with other humans. At that age, the “Crying for food equals I get food” lesson and bonding with mom are more important than the “Life is a cruel bitch that laughs at my desires” lesson that will inevitably be taught later.

    #4. A Baby Who Snores Is More Likely to Be a Problem Child

    Aw, your baby’s snoring! So adorable! Now keep that in mind so you can pinpoint the origins of the insatiable thirst for chaos he’ll later develop.

    Yes, a baby who snores is 20 to 100 percent more likely to become a hyperactive tyrant. Researchers conducted a sleep habit study that followed 11,000 children from birth to age 7. The parents enrolled in the study filled out questionnaires about their child’s sleep habits and breathing difficulties at six different points in the seven-year span. A second component to the study involved screening the children for emotional and behavioral problems at ages 4 and 7. The researchers then slammed the two halves of the study together until science fell out.

    They discovered that babies who snored displayed more behavior problems at ages 4 and 7, including aggressive, combative conduct and depression. By 7, a snoring baby was 1.5 times more likely to be a hyperactive, defiant monster child.

    Dr. Karen Bonuck, the study’s lead author, hypothesizes that snoring causes the baby to deliver more carbon dioxide to his or her brain than oxygen. Since the child is still forming neural connections, this could cross some of the wires in the emotional regulation and social conduct centers of the brain. Or maybe what you’re misinterpreting as “snoring” is just the sound of the devils who have possessed your child growling in the night. It could go either way.

    #3. Smaller Babies Do Worse on Exams

    A study conducted in England found that the smaller the baby at birth, the poorer he or she performs on exams later in life.

    The researchers picked out 334 kids from schools that had a pretty homogenous socioeconomic enrollment set (so they could prevent winding up with a bunch of kids who were both small and stupid for some extraneous reason, like, say, they were malnourished due to their parents’ crippling meth addiction).

    Half of the kids selected were of lower-than-normal birth weight, and the others were normal or larger. At 8 years old, the kids were all given IQ tests. The researchers then examined all of their GCSE (a standardized test) scores when the kids had turned 20. The normal birth weight group not only scored higher on the IQ tests, but also scored an average of a half grade better on their GCSE tests than their less wind resistant classmates. They also completed more of the exam (the GCSE lets you choose which portions you take).

    The leader of the research team, Professor Peter Pharoah of the University of Liverpool, stresses that this doesn’t mean that your gigantic freak mammoth baby is going to win a Nobel Prize. But nevertheless, science doesn’t quite know how it works, though it does seem to contradict the cliche of the short, scrawny nerd outsmarting his ogrish jock classmates.

    What we’re trying to say is that for accuracy’s sake, Bruce Banner should be bigger than the Hulk.

    #2. Moody Toddlers Grow Up to Be Gamblers

    Back in the ’70s, some researchers in Dunedin, New Zealand, decided to examine a bunch of 3-year-olds to see whether they could predict future temperaments in kids who are still only old enough to drool on themselves and regard mundane objects with confused fascination. Observing the toddlers during independent 90-minute sessions, the researchers classified the kids as best they could as well-adjusted, reserved, confident, inhibited or “undercontrolled” (because you can’t call toddlers “assholes”).

    Roughly 10 percent of the children were in that last category, which involved “lack of self-control, rapidly shifting emotions, impulsive and willful behavior and relatively high levels of negative feelings.”

    When they returned to study those kids at ages 21 and 32, the researchers discovered an unexpected side effect of their subjects’ infant dickishness — they didn’t all wind up in jail, as might be expected, but scientists did find that when the “undercontrolled” kids grew up, they were twice as likely to have gambling problems as any other temperament classification.

    Lead researcher Wendy Slutske cautions that just because your toddler is a mood-shifting jerk, that doesn’t mean he or she is destined to be a compulsive gambler, but she suspects that some are born vulnerable to addiction. This would explain why some people can hit up a penny slot, win $100 and never gamble ever again, and others play until they’re buried in the desert.

    #1. Fearless Babies Are More Likely to Become Criminals

    If you’ve ever screamed at a baby and the baby just stared back with hardcore steely resolve, just go ahead and teach him or her how to turn pacifiers into shanks, because, according to Adrian Raine, a University of Pennsylvania psychologist, a fearless baby is more likely to become a criminal as an adult.

    Raine got his hands on a mental illness study from the 1970s that tested the fear responses of about 1,800 3-year-olds. The toddlers were exposed to two sets of sounds — one was a neutral tone that was followed by nothing, and the other was a neutral tone followed by a shit-your-pants-terrifying wail. The toddlers quickly figured out when to expect the scary noise, and most of them sweated in response — a normal fear reaction. Then again, there were some kids who showed no signs of fear at all.

    In 2009, Raine checked in to see what the original test subjects had been doing with their lives, and found something fascinating. Along with everyone being a little fatter and uglier than they were when they were 3, Raine found that 137 of the test subjects had criminal records — and not one of them had been among the group who had sweated during the fear study when they were 3.

    The discovery was examined for any result-skewing factors such as race, gender and income, but more than anything else, the outstanding variable was that all of the convicted subjects had been fearless toddlers. This leaves us with an unsettling implication — the possibility that some people are actually born criminals.

    Before you use this research to establish a Minority Report-style pre-emptive justice system, Raine notes that many other kids who also didn’t show fear as babies went on to lead perfectly law-abiding lives. We would like to note that this only proves that they were never caught committing any crimes. Or maybe they grew up to be scientists who tormented 3-year-olds by blasting scary noises at them.

    Read more:

Author: Sophie Benshitta Maven

True empath, award winning architect, magazine publisher, transformational and spiritual coach and teacher, self declared Avatar