Life is a lot like traveling by train… like a train trip

train-2Life is like being in a train: you can look out on the left side, the right side, the back, the front… but it won’t change that you are on a train that will arrive to its destination, no matter where you look.

Most of us live this way most of the time.

We do our jobs, we do our relationships, we do our projects, we do our lives this way.

Fulfilling? No. Enjoyable? It depends…

Ultimately we are plagued by a nagging sense that we are out of control, that no matter what we do won’t change anything. Some of us feel doomed. Some of us fight it tooth and nail… with bloody broken teeth and broken nails to prove it.

What is missing for life to be fulfilling?

Some would say: raise your vibration, stupid!

What no one thinks is that the only thing that would matter with regards to your ‘train’ life has to happen outside of the train.

What? you say. You heard it right. You have to get off the train and change where it is going.

And if you are really astute, you already know that you will have to do it quite a few times, to make sure you adjust the rails… and keep on adjusting them…

If it were a sailing boat, you’d know… You’d know that adjusting the sails just once won’t be enough. But to adjust the sails you can still stay in the boat… But there is no evidence that life is like sailing… whereas there is plenty of evidence that life is like a train ride.

Yes, I said it, you need to get off the train and adjust the rails on which the train runs.

Now, even though the image of this courageous act looks really amazing, you have no idea how to do that.

More importantly, you have no idea what new direction to choose for the rails.

OK, here I need to issue a warning: unless you have some intangible capacities, some spiritual/DNA capacities open, active, this method won’t work for you until you do.

Meaning: you’ll end up where you are headed.

What capacities will you need?

–recognizing patterns
–mental representation
–seeing the big picture
–seeing the consequences of your actions


If you don’t have these capacities activated, all is not lost: you can have them activated, when you are ready for them.

OK: here is the big picture of the levels that you have to go through:

luxury train1. You are on the train.

You see that it is a journey you didn’t choose, that it’s a journey that is unfulfilling, maybe even boring.

This step does not require capacities, although to be able to see the it’s the journey will take some insight.

Unless you have the insight that you are on a journey, you’ll take tons of courses, meditate for decades, try to fix yourself… but you won’t see that it’s the journey. That it’s not you.

That all that fixing of yourself won’t make the journey change…

90% of all people in ‘self-improvement’ don’t realize that it’s the journey, not you.

main-qimg-1a95c3191f269cc647668d367c4a41e62. You decide to stop the train and investigate the journey.

In this step you get off the train, temporarily, and look.

You look at the sign painted on the side of the train: it will give you the destination of the train. It will say something like: I am worthless, or ‘nobody loves me‘, or ‘I don’t belong‘. Or ‘I am not enough‘. Or whatever you decided when you had your originating incident.

And you go way ahead, maybe miles, and find a junction where you can change the rails so the train will go in a different direction after that junction. At this point it is any other direction will be good enough for you… ‘god, anywhere but there!

3. You decide on a new future

After that hit and miss project, you smarten up and look inside yourself. Based on some mental representation of a future and its ultimate process to get to.This time, you get off the train, but you’ll know what to do: you’ll actually lift the whole darn rails and redirect them: like a boss.

The first level could be called: no options
The second level is where you have options and you exercise them…
The third level is where you create, choose.

The actions leading up to and during the third level is where you’ll need the new capacities.

Now, let me address some questions that will come up, if you’re considering this journey:

Question #1: Why can’t I start with the third level?

When you look at famous winners’ lives through biographies or the media, you see only the above ground part of their journey.

You don’t see their clueless periods. You don’t see their “nose to the grindstone” periods. You don’t see that until they grew enough to start to develop a mental representation of where they want to take their lives to, they just buckled down and worked, and worked options, and more options.

Most people never enter the third level, but truth be told, most people never enter the second level either.

When Thoreau said: “The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation. What is called resignation is confirmed desperation.” 1Thoreau: Walden

1-A. Economy

Thoreau Reader: Home – Walden – Next Section of Chapter One


Above: From a 1906 edition of Thoreau’s works, part of Walden Pond from Emerson’s Hill. Thoreau’s cabin was across the pond, at the cove by the tall pines. Beyond the cove, the walk to town is about one mile.

Author: Sophie Benshitta Maven

True empath, award winning architect, magazine publisher, transformational and spiritual coach and teacher, self declared Avatar

2 thoughts on “Life is a lot like traveling by train… like a train trip”

  1. The photo of the man sitting on the train is mine and it is copyrighted. You must either buy it through Dreamstime or remove it from your site.
    Thank you

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