It’s not if you win or lose, it’s how you play the game

Millions of pages quote this meme, but everybody understand it differently. Because we, culturally defined humans, we have no idea what is the game, and how we play it. No clue what to pay attention and what is relevant to the how.

No distinction.

The dude who coined the meme, Grantland Rice was a sports writer. He made more money that the people he wrote about. Was he happy? Was he fulfilled? Hell no. Couldn’t be… Continue reading “It’s not if you win or lose, it’s how you play the game”

7 reasons people don’t succeed in life… but you can

Quora is addictive. So why do I open the email from Quora every morning?

Every time I open Quora’s email, I find something I am glad I found.

Something useful. Something that takes me out of my ‘groove’…

Groove is a shallower ditch that a real ditch, but a ditch nevertheless. The more you don’t go outside of it, the deeper it becomes.

Eventually it will become the place where you are stuck. Continue reading “7 reasons people don’t succeed in life… but you can”

Too good to leave, too bad to stay… Leave what exactly?

The book with the same title was about relationships, whether to stay or to go… But if you really look, the conundrum is applicable to work, applicable to lifestyle, opinion, attitude, diet, course, program, profession. Applicable to nearly everything where you need to make a choice… but instead or choosing you are on the fence.

This choice also includes choosing your worldview. Choosing to remain with the one you have, or look at the world differently. Continue reading “Too good to leave, too bad to stay… Leave what exactly?”

Method to my madness: how I get you there Part 2

In my last article spoke of the methodology of poking the box. Poking the box so what I don’t know that I don’t know can pop out and make itself known.

It only works when I NEED to know why something doesn’t work and how it could. Idle curiosity doesn’t activate it.

Having a very sick client who can’t let go of her hero act has been one thing that created a real need. An unless. Do or die. Also urgent. That unless I can find out how to dislodge her whole ‘personal reality’ that I didn’t know how to do I was going to have a dead client at hand. Continue reading “Method to my madness: how I get you there Part 2”

Seeing process: the ratcheting power of success

One of the concepts that none of my students have gotten before is process. Until now.

And maybe when she shares what she sees you’ll be able to see what you haven’t seen before. Whether you are a student of mine or just a reader.

This is from a student of mine. She has been in training for nine months. It’s taken that long to reach the state where she is ready for ‘step 1’ as she calls it. Continue reading “Seeing process: the ratcheting power of success”

What is really the strait and narrow in real life?

I assume that the Bible is talking about strait and narrow spiritually.

And then there are sermons, and teachings, and mimes about it, because it’s not working. people don’t know what to do with it.

But strait and narrow is a very potent medicine. It could heal a lot of the ills that anyone can experience.

So what are the ills of people, what are the ills of society that strait and narrow, and its brother strait and deep could reverse?

Inversion is a great tool to start with. Continue reading “What is really the strait and narrow in real life?”

Can The Sight be useful if you habitually don’t look?

The willingness to look is a behavior, it’s an attitude, and therefore cannot be activated.

If you act without looking, or if you act from what you stored in your mind, then the activator of the capacity to see the consequences of your actions won’t make any difference.

There is a prerequisite to seeing: and that is looking. Continue reading “Can The Sight be useful if you habitually don’t look?”

For men are good in but one way, but bad in many

If you are like most of the people that visit my site, you came here in search of the best way to get what you want.

Healing yourself, feeling better about yourself and your life. Making money, finding love, or raising your vibration. Or maybe even becoming an Expanding Human Being.

And you, like myself, probably cannot tell one system from another.

  • good from bad,
  • effective from ineffective,
  • efficient from inefficient,
  • real or a fraudulent… we have no criteria by which to judge.

Continue reading “For men are good in but one way, but bad in many”

You probably don’t know yourself as well as you think you do

You think you know. You think you know who you are, what is important to you, what you want, and what and who is running your life.

This is your approach towards life. Through what you know… Continue reading “You probably don’t know yourself as well as you think you do”

Why does a billionaire read books on physics?

Patterns… or Why do billionaires read books on physics, the ice ages, the shorelines of our planet?

There are many ways to deal with the Universe, with reality, and most of them are ineffective.

The more effectively you ‘deal’ with reality, the more you get out of your life. Continue reading “Why does a billionaire read books on physics?”