Two rules of engagement and a condition…

two rules of engagementEver since last Saturday I have been observing myself putting myself down, devaluing myself. Telling people I am not such a good coach, etc. etc. etc.

I know what happened. I know exactly.

I watched this guy’s videos, I read his testimonials, I heard his superior facility to guide people and take them where he wanted them to go. I watched his 24/7 tireless enthusiasm to turn marginally interested people into fans. And I compared.

I compared.
Continue reading “Two rules of engagement and a condition…”

How and what can move you out of not moving?

inertia renders you not moving aka stuckIsaac Newton was very famous… he invented the concept of gravity, he created laws of movement, and a lot of other things we consider laws… blah blah blah.

Newton formulated the laws of motion and universal gravitation that formed the dominant scientific viewpoint until it was superseded by the theory of relativity.

The most important laws he ‘formulated’ that have a day to day effect to understand ourselves are the laws of motion.

His first ‘law’ of motion can be expressed in many different ways, examples:

  • A stationary object with no outside force will not move.
  • With no outside forces, a moving object will not stop.
  • An object at rest stays at rest.

Continue reading “How and what can move you out of not moving?”

Teaching by Proxy… want it? yours for the asking…

avatar nickelodeon teaching by proxyBack in 2013 I was experimenting with teaching by proxy. In some way I still do it in my Sunday calls.

I just listened to one of my 2013 proxy teaching calls, and I sound a little preachy, a little controlling, but regardless: it was an excellent call.

It is about how live like an avatar. How to live life like an avatar, avatar as in the Nickelodeon series’ avatars, not some spiritual ballyhoo… that I can’t say anything about, because I know nothing about it.

A Nickelodeon avatar has all the vending reality power available to him or her in moments of dire strait… When either their life is in peril or humanity is in peril. Continue reading “Teaching by Proxy… want it? yours for the asking…”

Humility: how do you know it’s lacking? What is there instead?

self-concern vs humilityHumility, wrongful pride, high about me score, self-concern… They all say the same thing.

The single most important blockage you have to raising your consciousness, raising your vibration.

In the 3-wishes workshop, one that I lead every Saturday afternoon, the one that never gets boring, I stumbled onto something that had never been revealed in all its gory beauty to the participants before: how focusing on hiding the self-concern completely and totally robs you of a life that you live powerfully, a life that you enjoy living, a life where you are productive and love yourself.

I have taught the concept, the distinction of ‘about-me’ for a decade now, but had never found a way to make it so visible, so visceral as in yesterday’s workshop.

humility... what does it mean?In the following video that I made some 8-9 years ago I explain how wrongful pride, a high about-me score, lack of humility manifests itself in life. Continue reading “Humility: how do you know it’s lacking? What is there instead?”

The main thing is keeping the main thing the main thing

The main thing is keeping the main thing the main thing…

But do you even know, have you even decided what is the MAIN THING?

The internet is full of articles by people who know exactly how to solve the other guy’s problems. They do this with how to do this or that in 3-7 steps articles and books… but they are all wrong, and those ‘solutions’ are not solutions at all. Continue reading “The main thing is keeping the main thing the main thing”

What is co-creation? 1% inspiration, 99% perpiration

co-creationWhat is co-creation? Obviously you don’t know, because…

It is the lack of co-creation that causes you to not produce results while others do create amazing things, with the same exact product. So don’t you think it is time you learn what is co-creation and how to co-create?

And alternatively, what is the difference between those dudes and dudettes that produce results, and you. You look the same… and yet, somehow you are not the same.

  • 1. I’ll tell you in the end… because if I told you now, you’d nod and stop really reading… that is how you behave with everything: the moment you think you understand, you are done.

But understanding IS the booby prize… Continue reading “What is co-creation? 1% inspiration, 99% perpiration”

You are out of step with yourself. You are split. You are schizophrenic.

inner-splitI wrote this article five years ago, but it is as fresh as if I wrote it today. And, of course… I updated it.

On today’s Talk-to-me call I had an insight: I saw something I had never seen:

You are out of step with yourself.

The you that interfaces with the world, does stuff, makes mistakes, overeats, gets angry is either ahead of or behind the you that you really are. The you that tries to look good, keep up with the appearances is always trying to fix the you that you really are.

No acceptance, no tolerance, no compassion, no love, no music, no harmony, no dance, no peace. Continue reading “You are out of step with yourself. You are split. You are schizophrenic.”

True or False. Books, programs, religious beliefs, magic

Occasionally people from other ‘disciplines’ email me and ask me to muscletest with Source if what they are taught there, what they believe or want to believe as true or false.

I could get billions of emails like that, because all belief systems, especially religion, have beliefs that are not true.

If you are someone who love your beliefs, stop reading… If your beliefs sustain you in life, stop reading. Continue reading “True or False. Books, programs, religious beliefs, magic”

What is inspiration? A movie to inspire you to go beyond

Inspiration… inspired… inspirable…

What do these words mean?

The spirit within: inside-spirit

I measure how much the spirit is active within you… and how much, on the current vibrational level, the current integrity level, the current about-me level, the spirit can be aroused.

You cannot be more inspiring that you can be inspired.

The number one communication tool you have available, creating a vision in another person, about themselves, about a project, about the future.

When you can create a vision and communicate it to yourself or to another, all upsets disappear, and you have the amazing result: the person (you?) wants to do what is consistent with that vision… which is what you would want them to do. Continue reading “What is inspiration? A movie to inspire you to go beyond”

Confuse needs and wants? Especially around the holidays?

Once you conquer a “boulder”, a challenging character flaw, a new one takes its place. But what is in common in all the flaws is the seed level.

What is the seed level of all the stuff that can make you miserable? Sorry, all the stuff that makes you miserable?

So far I have found two that every person has:

1. As far as I can see it, it is a mindset nearly all humans share: that life, things should be different. That what they think should be is what should be.

They place themselves above reality, above nature, above physics, above maybe even above their gods.

That because you want it, it should be so.

Continue reading “Confuse needs and wants? Especially around the holidays?”