Dr Gundry, integrity, and self-love

dr Gundry vibration 100I just sat through yet another video by Dr Gundry, (personal vibration 100) a medical doctor who turned into internet supplement peddler.

I wouldn’t be surprised if he were a billionaire already…

But when I ask Source about his supplements, and even about his formulations, Source says: only 10% truth value.

Does he know his formulations don’t work? Yes.

But what he is doing is giving people hope with one hand… and, with the other hand, he takes it away. Continue reading “Dr Gundry, integrity, and self-love”

Procrastination… Do his methods work?

Andrew KirbyThis article is about a youtube guru type, who now teaches classes and consults to eliminate procrastination.

I have a special email address I use to sign up to things I don’t really want to be bothered further on. Continue reading “Procrastination… Do his methods work?”

Does activating DNA capacities cause an epigenetic shift?

activate dna capacitiesAll humans are all born with a full DNA tree, like a ‘Christmas tree’ loaded with ornaments. Ornaments are the DNA capacities. Some of those capacities light up, they are active, most of those don’t light up. They are inactive or dormant.

DNA capacities? what is a DNA capacity?

Capacities are like abilities. In vocational testing, they test you for abilities that you can work with… Active abilities. They are not looking for more… even though there are abilities dormant in your DNA that could be activated, but aren’t.

Very few if any jobs are interested in training you to that degree. And even higher learning institutions concentrate on the material, not on your abilities… Those are totally up to you.

The more and more diverse and challenging activities you do in your life, successfully, the more abilities are activated.

The DNA capacities that those dark, unlit ornaments show as dormant are, for example, patience, compassion, perseverance, process, caring, generosity, stepping out of the picture, letting go of your obsession with what you want, seeing the big picture, intelligence, focus, connecting the dots, astuteness, empathy, process and lots more… a total of 160  capacities… Those are the prized qualities of real winners. Continue reading “Does activating DNA capacities cause an epigenetic shift?”

Vibrational Review: Dr. Oz, Dr. Mercola and the flexibility minerals

Vibrational Review: Dr. Oz and Dr. Mercola

I have never seen Dr. Oz  but I am leery of TV doctors: just remember Dr. Phil…

Dr. Oz personal vibration: 200. His recommendations average at 7% truth value, slightly on the side of death…

Dr. Mercola: personal vibration is also 200. His recommendations average at 10% truth value.

Why not higher?

Continue reading “Vibrational Review: Dr. Oz, Dr. Mercola and the flexibility minerals”

Vibrational review of ‘Create Abundance 2020’

Plan to create abundance plus a vibrational review of “Create Abundance 2020”

First off, this is not the cash gifting illegal pyramid scheme that Carly and Thomas Smith are promoting.

What is a cash gifting program? It’s much like a chain letter: You buy in, and hope that eventually, from the monies that people you enroll personally, you will get more money back that what you paid in.

It’s illegal. I have seen many of these spring up, from time to time. Human greed has no boundaries.

Most people that I know lost what they invested. Some, with lots of salesmanship and a lot of acquaintances, made some money, but they made it on the misery of others.

What is the vibration of that program? On a scale of 1-1000 it is, the vibration, 5. Depraved.

Now, if you came here because you were looking for that cash gifting program, Create Abundance 2020 or any other name, please leave. You won’t be interested in anything I have to say.

You are probably desperate, or too greedy to be interested.

The average vibration of people who are interested in that is 100. Look it up on the Map of Consciousness…

Now, let’s look at stuff that people with a higher vibration, with a higher level of consciousness would like to read. Something that isn’t illegal…

By the way, if you haven’t read my Effortless Abundance 39 page ebook/PDF, it’s a great read and will give you a great foundation for the rest of the article.
Continue reading “Vibrational review of ‘Create Abundance 2020’”

Removing Barriers to you being all-you-can-be

the subtle art of not giving a fuckI just read an excerpt of Mark Manson’s (vibration: 260) book, about the path to growing… The art of not giving a f*ck

Even the brief is worth reading…

Some people write better than me. Some people find solutions faster than me. Some people can teach ME things… Baah, right?

What Manson says is the essence of the Michelangelo Method of growing.

You remove everything that doesn’t work, everything that is not you, everything that doesn’t support you in living life you love and living it powerfully.

But the sticky part of this process is telling the truth about having been wrong. Continue reading “Removing Barriers to you being all-you-can-be”

The Tao of attraction, of anything. Business, love, respect, money…

I love watching movies, I love reading, I am a half introvert half extrovert person.

I have met someone (Ben Settle) with similar personality, to adopt as a teacher. I start my day with reading his email. And I always find some way to become bigger from it.

On some level, in some aspect, you need to be the same as your teacher, or you won’t let them get through to you… My parents were both so different from me, that I learned only two sentences worth from them, both from my father.

One of his teaching was a sentence that I misunderstood for at least 50 years… until I got what he meant.

He said:

let it go… it will pass that much sooner.

Continue reading “The Tao of attraction, of anything. Business, love, respect, money…”

Go beyond where you NORMALLY stop… Go to where…

Go beyond where you NORMALLY stop… Go to where the sun shines, no matter what the season is

I woke up disgruntled… (=angry, dissatisfied) almost ready to go into devastation (which is my “home page”) but it all changed as I sat down and began to write. What was going to be a rant, became a celebration.

I guess I am not stuck with, neither am invested in, nor am I resisting being someone who rants when I feel beaten, or slighted, or hurt…Most of my students either are invested (i.e. known for) or resist being angry… i.e. stuck with being angry. Continue reading “Go beyond where you NORMALLY stop… Go to where…”

Oy vey there she is, ranting again…

Sunday RantI have two recordable calls every Sunday. Recordable means: I can or could sell it for at least a hundred bucks… because in the right hands they are worth ten times more than that.

In the right hands.

There are few who have the right hands.

I like to work with people who can get, who will get, at least as much value as much money I charge, but I’d love to work with people who could and would get the full value… ten times more.

Keep on dreaming, Sophie, and I do.

I totally overextend myself every Friday/Saturday and Sunday, so on Mondays I am literally spent. This Monday wasn’t an exception… Continue reading “Oy vey there she is, ranting again…”

Is desire really the Everyman’s Superpower?

I don’t remember why, but I signed up to Simpleology, Mark Joyner’s program. 1

He created a new comic strip, the everyman’s superpower, and, of course, sold it with the same thing he advocates in the comic strip: whipping up your desire to a feverish pitch. Continue reading “Is desire really the Everyman’s Superpower?”