What is the opposite of entitled?

what do I deserve?Every generation is more entitled than the previous one. Why? Let me explain…

If appreciative is the opposite of entitled… does that mean that all those people who are not appreciative are entitled?

Entitled 1 is a worldview. It is a ground-of-being phenomenon, invisible, like the floor. An unexamined truth. To you. But for the other, it is quite obvious… 2

So how do you know that you are not appreciative? that you are entitled?

This is how:

  • Even when you thank someone, they frown…
  • You may even be diligent in thanking someone, you may even feel a stab of thankfulness, but those thanks are the waves on the waters, not the bottom of the sea… The bottom of your sea is entitlement.

Continue reading “What is the opposite of entitled?”

What are beliefs? And what keeps you from what you want?

Is there really such a thing as a belief?

One of the things that keep you stuck is the language that you use.

One of the words that definitely hand over the reins to someone else is the word belief.

I, personally, argue that such a thing even exists.

Approaching life, approaching reality, approaching tasks with inadequate tools, antiquated tools will lead to disaster, and that is where you, most of you, find yourself.

Lots of words, lots of books, lots of talking, but no advancement. Neither personally, nor as a race.

As a true empath, I actually see why.

You and everything you read is stuck on the surface. On the seeming working of the Universe, or in this case, the seeming working of a human.

If we dealt with computers, or cars, or even houses the way we deal with, try to fix, etc. humans, ourselves, our thinking, our behavior, we would go back to the stone age. Continue reading “What are beliefs? And what keeps you from what you want?”

Become someone who can make good decisions

Is it worth it? Is it worth the bother, the effort, the work? Will it get me finally what I want?

One of the reasons people don’t like to try new things is because they cannot judge whether they can do it or not. Whether it will be easy or not. Whether it will be pleasant and enjoyable or not.

How come? Why is it so difficult? Life is complex, and most of us have no tolerance for complexity. Complexity, ambivalence, ambiguity are normal, but the capacity to hold them becomes available to you in only at a certain brain development age… If you got stuck in young child brain development, that is most people, you have never developed the capacity.

Can you develop this capacity now? Of course you can. What is preventing you from doing it? Your low TLB number… you are a Twitchy Little Bastard… and you can’t deal with complexity, confusion, or looking long enough to actually see something.

Some of my students, when they learned about my habit of looking long and more than just once… as a way to deal with my dyslexia, have started to practice the same… and their ability to hold controversy and ambivalence has increased… because of that practice. But if you fancy yourself smart, quick, etc. Looking long and hard is going to be difficult, because your precious I will tell you that only stupid people look long and hard.

Actually the opposite is true: your precious I is deceiving you and keeping you… eh… stupid. In the stupid as the stupid does sense. Continue reading “Become someone who can make good decisions”

What is the level of your awareness? inside and outside

you don't know your ass from a hole in the groundFirst let me digress… If you search this question of google, you’ll find out that not many people even know what this question means, what awareness means… They confuse and collapse consciousness and awareness… It’s like they don’t know shit from shinola…

OK, back on track: If you went back to your high school class and were given the opportunity to pick one person. And you would get 10% of their earnings for your lifetime. How would you pick? Would you pick yourself?

There are many criteria you can choose by.

According to the 67 steps, the level of awareness is the most telling of how well a person will do in life. Continue reading “What is the level of your awareness? inside and outside”

Why can’t you change? What’s keeping you the same?

You don’t seem to be able to change…

You have been unsuccessful getting their guidance, getting your information from outside of the mind.

This manifests, among others, in your inability to muscletest correctly.

The question is why?

The phenomenon, what actually seems to happen is this: you understand where to look, how to look, and you nod rapidly. You bring great examples to show how you just succeeded in using the new capacity… but I can smell the mischief… you are trying to throw me off my tracking.

Now, I say “you” but who is this “you”? What aspect of a person am I talking about?

In this case, the dominant aspect, the ego your delusional self, who you fancy yourself to be, your “precious I” you defend at all cost.
Continue reading “Why can’t you change? What’s keeping you the same?”

The secret is in the system… No system? No life

The secret is the system… No system? No life.

Unless, of course, you are one of Neal Stephenson’s characters, who rarely set out to do something and do it… They tackle what is thrown at them… Well, I might add…

But you are not one of his characters… and life, without a system, without a clear direction is a life not worth living.

But with some forethought, you can make life predictive, interesting, and good…


Most of what there is to do in a day, most of what moves you towards that ephemeral good life is hard or tedious

Some tasks are hard for me too. Or tedious… And I respond to both hard and tedious with tension. Impatience. Intolerance.

Sitting and watching a video, even if it is a film, but especially if it is a tutorial video, I have about 10-15 minutes that I can suffer it… and then I have to jump up… whole body tight, resistant.

This used to hinder me a lot. I would buy classes and never finish them.

or difficult books… “I can’t take any more of this…”
or doing Starting Point Measurements…
or designing a page
or writing a sales letter

Continue reading “The secret is in the system… No system? No life”

You have abilities, you have power. You can use it…

Guess how much of your power you use?

You have some capacities. Capacities are potentials… Abilities are actualities.

You can activate capacities, you can use them and turn them into epigenetic shifts: abilities, that can be inherited…

The more abilities you have the more power you have.

Power is what it takes to say A and make it happen. Not over some people, but over yourself, over matter.

The way you live, the number of challenges you set for yourself will tell you how much of the power you have you actually use…

Recently I discovered about myself that I want someone to hold my hand to do the things I am not sure how to do. Like in first grade the teacher drew the letters using my hand. But I realized that unless I do it myself, I never learn.

I also realized that I actually know how to do the things I wanted to be helped to do, I just didn’t have the self-starter mentality… Once I realized this, I started to do the things I was complaining that I could not do… Very telling.

Guess how much of the power you have that you actually use?

In the fantasy TV series, Heroes, Hiro, the time traveler, says: “If I am too afraid to use my powers, I don’t deserve them.”
Continue reading “You have abilities, you have power. You can use it…”

The price you pay for being casual and democratic

I have been telling you, telling my students, telling my clients, that you hear what I say… approximately. You follow instructions… approximately. You read… approximately. You keep your diet… approximately. You live… approximately.

You only got up this morning because you didn’t die the night before.

I am re-reading The Baroque Cycle by Neal Stephenson. 2600 pages… What can I say, I like long books. lol.

I have started to check every word in the kindle’s built in dictionary some time ago. Maybe a year ago, maybe two. I originally read the Baroque Cycle four years ago.

The book has plenty of words I needed to check. And to my dismay, I found that the first time around I only understood what happened… approximately.

Approximately is missing 90% plus of what you read, and you are left with the inconsequential 10%. The stuff you already knew. The gossipy stuff. The mundane stuff. The stuff that allows you to remain the same, your worldview to remain the same.

Continue reading “The price you pay for being casual and democratic”

Are you working on your pretend self? Trying to make it better? Read this article for clues…

I have students at all different stages of their personal paths.

I, as a coach, can do only so much. I answer their posts, and then I write my articles. And the rest happens where I am not. Inside them, in their interaction with people, in their interaction with stuff.

This is the hardest part.

My soul correction is Forget Thyself… meaning I want to be personally causing stuff… I did it, Me, Mine. Talking over people, having no patience for people doing things the “wrong way”.

I have been gaining ground in my soul correction, but it is still wicked difficult. Especially when someone has a good result that has nothing to do with me… lol.

So my first reaction to a student breakthrough is feeling let down… I didn’t do it… lol.

This is what happened this morning.

A student of mine had a glimpse, a momentary clarity of who and how he really is… His real self…

Here is what he wrote: Continue reading “Are you working on your pretend self? Trying to make it better? Read this article for clues…”

Are feelings and emotions the same? Do you know?

Telling them apart will make you a happier, more accomplished person!

Why all techniques of increasing Emotional Intelligence are b.s…

…and not effecting the level of happiness, the level of well-being of people who practice it.

Same is true about the Emotional Guidance System of Abraham/ Hicks… b.s. and ineffective. Why? Because they are trying to change the fruits instead of the roots… Putting makeup on syphilitic lesions. 1 Or pimples, if you are squeamish…

Feelings are clean. They do four simple things. Make you go for it, make you stop, direct you towards pleasure and away from pain… They are the seed level. The foundation. 2Feelings are what guides you as an organism to feed yourself, to procreate, to stay safe, or to fight. To have a community to belong to, and to have enough information so you know what to do[/note.]

Emotions are a construct on the top of them, created by words, created by marker feelings, and are a veritable mess.
Continue reading “Are feelings and emotions the same? Do you know?”