How will you have the energy to grow? How I did it…

I saw something today I hadn’t seen before. But before I say what I saw, let me dispel some myth: there is no such thing as bad energy. Energy is energy. It is good if you use it for good. And bad if you use it for bad. I’ll write another article on this: but I have the urge to state it here and now: there is no such thing as bad energy.

All energy is good… and some meets you and triggers something bad… But it’s you… sorry. Oops.

OK. let me start saying what I wanted to say: Continue reading “How will you have the energy to grow? How I did it…”

Non-physical pain explains nearly everything you do

This article is dangerously personal…

Last night I watched a movie, Children of Men.

I remember seeing the trailer 10 years ago when it was a new movie. Then I never heard of it again until yesterday. That it is an accurate showing of where we are heading and where we already are. Continue reading “Non-physical pain explains nearly everything you do”

Is antisemitism, racism, prejudice OK?

I am having an interesting issue to ponder. Maybe you can ponder with me?

The guy whose writing I am so taken with, his books, the Hungarian guy, according to my muscletest has a prejudice against Jews.

In common parlance, he is antisemitic.

Nothing special there, a full 30% of the developed countries’ population is antisemitic and 70% of the Hungarian population. 1.4% of Hungary’s population is Jewish. A total of about 140,000 people. Before the Holocaust the number was 900,000. 14.31 million worldwide, or 0.2 percent. Or two people in every thousand people.

If you are part of a minority against whom there can be or are negative prejudices, a Jew, Black, Moslem, Indian, Chinese… you’ll have this issue as a daily, in the background and maybe even in the foreground conversation.
Continue reading “Is antisemitism, racism, prejudice OK?”

Growth is like chocolate working out the lumps by itself

How to grow…I dreamed it. Or rather I was kept up by it…I dreamed BEING chocolate… Working out all the bumps and unevenness… And I knew what it meant.

Then I got up… ran to my computer to write it down, because it is so important… By now it is almost like an unreal memory… But this is how much I could capture for you:

The way to grow and growing into excellent is to keep making parts of you better, until there is nothing to make better. Even and smooth like chocolate.
Continue reading “Growth is like chocolate working out the lumps by itself”

I don’t procrastinate.

I learned a new method of finding and following a mentor. You want to learn something, improve something, get something done. You find someone who can do what you can’t yet do. The link will be good till January 5 only…

You use the “compare and join” method: you compare what they do or how they do it, and find ONE THING that they do better to produce better results. You “join” them in doing that…

I don’t procrastinate. You could join me in that.

What? Procrastination is so “normal” that not procrastinating can put you into the mad-house… involuntary hospitalization. lol.
Continue reading “I don’t procrastinate.”

Dethroning the mind… not a minute too early.

I have muscletested dozens of teachers that teach or have taught the power of your mind religion. They are all miserable and wretched. Low vibration, inner disharmony, incoherence.

If the teachers that teach it can’t make it work for them, probably it is time for you to decide that it doesn’t work. That it’s junk science. A lie. Fraud. Deception. Tool to enslave humanity… successfully enslave it, so far.

Humanity as humanoids is about 200,000 years old.

Life has been largely the life of little kids, who are afraid of some god and some devil and of their own shadow.

Because humanity’s knowledge about what is behind the curtain has been faulty.

And faulty is a lot like Iatrogenic illnesses: the fault will kill you. And it has. Made humanity fat, made humanity stupid, and has given the power over to what makes us descend to hell.

I read my horoscope this morning and cried heartily. It says:
Continue reading “Dethroning the mind… not a minute too early.”

How come you have no energy for the things you say are important to you?

filling my brain with stuffWhen I look how come I get to accomplish so much in a day, ultimately I always find that I set up my life differently from most.

I started back in 1987…

I was in a seminar called “Excellence” and I was clearly not in excellence in my life. The biggest issue was how much I hated my job, how much I would have preferred to do something else. Anything else.

But that was my job, and I didn’t see any alternative…

So I decided to do what I could… And I decided to pull back my power. Continue reading “How come you have no energy for the things you say are important to you?”

Everything is connected… ok, maybe, but what does that mean to you?!

Everything is connected. The connection is in the invisible realm, but it is not less real than the visible, it is just either below the surface or its wave length is not in the visible range of light.

The connection can be

  • chemical in nature.
  • It can be vibrational in nature
  • Electric in nature

I’ll give you some examples I am suddenly seeing now that my vibration jumped to 950.
Continue reading “Everything is connected… ok, maybe, but what does that mean to you?!”

Working on the thing you want, directly, is a mistake…

you are a liarThe same faulty thinking, the same thinking that makes you not do things that don’t directly produce money, or the results you seek, the same thinking that makes you a chef with no food in the pantry, is what keeps your relationships empty, and causes your vibration to remain low.

I was just looking at a post of mine: an Osho talk.

He says: Allow Silence to Grow

It triggered a distaste in my mouth. I published that article and I am suddenly knocking it? WTF, right?

But there is a reason… I have changed. I see things that even just a week ago could not see

I have to confess something: I am reading a book, called “Feelings” and inadvertently it has knocked my vibration up a notch. How? Why? It managed to put me in touch with some feelings I have been protecting myself from.
Continue reading “Working on the thing you want, directly, is a mistake…”

What is the purpose of life?

what is the purpose of life?I watched a movie last night… actually, it took me two nights to watch. It was a Korean movie, a historical movie. An old hunter and a huge tiger… bound for life by gratitude and tragedy. I am still weeping… I’ll explain.

It is all about the purpose of life… and the purposelessness of life, if you wish.

Your answer will depend on where you’re looking from.

In the movie, once both the hunter and the tiger lost their progeny, their offspring, and their hopes for the survival of their genes ended, they are both ready to die themselves. The purpose of life ended with the loss of their offspring.
Continue reading “What is the purpose of life?”