Are you pushing the door that says: pull?

this-is-how-you-waste-your-lifeFinally I managed to tame this new computer 80%. It is one of the things I don’t like to do… I’d rather just coach, or write articles, read, watch Netflix… but I have the capacity of the Sight, I have the capacity to be the cause… so I did what I needed to do.

It seems that I am quite alone with this, at least among us… But why?

Then it hit me: All the movies I watch, happiness, joy are sporadic. And grunting, grim faces, are all over.

And yet, if you look inside, you think that you can be the exception, and you can have a life all about sunshine, all about smiling, all about joy. That is the fallacy, generously spread by the Dark Side, by positive thinkers, by gurus. 1

I wonder what drug you are on… because, if you look around, other than on Facebook and other medium for pretense, life is not an event full of smiles, and laughter.

Life is 99% struggle, and 1% of that smiley laughter filled joy.
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You don’t have to deserve something to be deserving

agnosticLet me ask you something: do you have to deserve a body? Did you have to deserve to be able to read?

No. Deserving is much more basic, and much more profound than that kind of deserving, which would equate the word with earning.

Earning is a mercantile world’s word: it measures your work, or your merchandise against the asking price… earning.

But deserving is different, regardless how crazy that word drove me when I was a kid. My kid brother whining that he deserved whatever he was whining about.

I didn’t think I deserved anything, so he asserting that he deserved whatever, emphasized for me that I didn’t. He said he did, and I said I didn’t. It bothered me. A lot.

People around you will tell you what you deserve, but they are lying. They are playing god… Deserving comes with Life.
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Liar liar pants on fire

redpill.bluepillSome people lie more than others. But all people lie… Lying by commission and lying by omission.

Facebook is nauseatingly full of lies and liars. You lie to your loved ones and you lie to yourself. You lie because it seems the kind thing to do, you lie because it is no big deal… but it is… to your inner self… and then you pay the price. This article explains how.

It’s obviously not my article… but it will do…

The Law of Honesty

Recognizing, accepting, and expressing our authentic interior reality lies at the heart of honesty; only when we are honest with ourselves can we speak or act honestly with anyone else. In the sense of integrity, honesty entails acting in line with higher laws despite negative impulses to the contrary.

Live according to your highest light and more light will be given. PEACE PILGRIM

Within the context of our life purpose, as we explore the bigger picture and meaning of our lives, the Law of Honesty points to higher laws and inner consequences that are instant, inevitable, and inescapable. It includes, but does not focus on, external codes of behavior.
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Happiness is wanting what you have

happiness-challengeIn my efforts of activating DNA capacities, I have seen that I cannot get away from teaching you stuff: having a lot of wrong beliefs will prevent you from holding onto the new capacities long enough to benefit from them.

This is one of the things I haven’t seen anyone teach… So here you go.

I have taught it on live webinars but this is the first time I am attempting to do it in writing: it may not go well… Let’s see…

Many people are in search of truth. Many are activists. Many are into self-improvement.

What is in common with all of us, humans, living in society, is that everything we do is to fill in a void, to fix what’s wrong, and get away from what’s bad.

Prescription for unhappiness: deny, resist what is, and strive to get to something that isn’t.

This is rich, so please don’t nod: it will be a pretense if you do. There is no way you actually got what I said… no way.
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Why aren’t you happy? What Kabbalah has to say about that…

According to Kabbalah 1 (I studiedĀ  at the Kabbalah Centre. Most Kabbalists disagree with the Kabbalah Centre’s take on Kabbalah… ) you EARN your light.

Light is everything that keeps you alive, everything that you enjoy, everything you value. Sustenance, sex, pleasure, fulfillment… everything.

Obviously you want more of it, and obviously you don’t want to work for it… unless you enjoy work…

Work here doesn’t apply only to work that you do to earn money. Anything that you have to do consciously against your own laziness, ego, dark side, is considered work in Kabbalah.

The Soul Corrections are a list of types of work, one can do to earn light. Tell the truth, face the tiger, reveal your dark side, let go of superiority, circulate money, honor, respect, care for and about others… lots of them, and you probably have heard at least most of them. You consider them virtues…

Now, like all useful systems, it works on checks and balances, and it can be rigged.
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Osho: On Death

Osho Rajneesh on deathThis article, a word by word transcription of one of Osho’s talks from 20-30 years ago is very enlightening. You will see what is between you and enlightenment. Also, the stories and jokes are wonderfully funny… Read it.

What happens to Human Consciousness when the people of the world suddenly realize they are in the midst of an unstoppable, devastating plague that will kill most of the people they know?

It depends on different people. For one who is absolutely conscious, nothing will happen; he will accept it, just as he has accepted everything else. There will be no struggles, no anxieties.

As he can accept his own death, he can accept the death of his planet too. And this acceptance is not in any way a kind of helplessness but on the contrary, just seeing the suchness of things — that everything is born, lives and has to die.

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The secret of doing something important to me…

road-signThis article was written by a guy in Switzerland. Different culture, different cultural conversations… he lives by a method of growing himself and his business counter-culturally if you look at it from the USA, especially if you live in California. And, of course, if you live in Canada.

What is the cultural conversation that he defies? That you are supposed to know it. That you are supposed to leap tall buildings, and there is no need to practice, there is no need to learn anything, you should just know.

I could have written this article, because my story is similar.

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On this side of the Great Divide even the best teaching

The Great Divide is what is between being a human, plagued by the incessant thoughts the unpleasant feelings and a HUMAN BEING, a divine being, that has the thoughts, has the feelings, but is largely untouched by them.

What if I could teach you to have your thoughts, have your emotions, have your physical sensations, and still be able to be happy, productive, and well… WITH them, without obeying them, without ignoring them, without fighting them, without arguing with them, without justifying them, without being bothered at all.

What if you could get unstuck by asking different questions?

What if the source of your suffering, the source of your emotional pain isn’t caused by what you think is caused by, but by what you do with it?

These questions, once you are on the other side of the Great Divide… they are easy, obvious, and common sense.

But on THIS SIDE of the Great Divide they don’t make much sense, and certainly there is nothing helpful about them.
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Become a match to your dreams

worth-itWhen I google this phrase, “become a match to your dreams” all the sites I find talk about the Law of Attraction or manifestation… so I have to suppress my distaste for the misdirection those sites and those teachers carry… and just relate to the sentence itself.

Most of the people, when I ask them what they want, talk about stuff that they have no business talking about. Most, I say, because I do have some, a few, exceptions.

When you consider that you have to work for everything… that the Law of Attraction, if there were anything valid like that, would say: when you are ready, when you have done your work, fully and without cutting corners, then the results will follow.

That is the REAL Law of Attraction. The law that tells you that you can earn what you want with work, that is complete, and thorough.
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Are you a fixer? Trying to fix what’s wrong?

boat-groundedWrong doing, wrong making, wrong place, wrong, wrong, wrong, and how can you raise yourself above it all…

  • Making yourself wrong leads to giving up on yourself
  • Making others wrong leads to hating yourself
  • Making life wrong leads to anger and misery

Imagine being in a boat, attempting to cross the Atlantic, or just out on a joy ride.

Now, imagine that suddenly your boat get grounded and you are stuck.

Your “natural” or “default” action at this point is the feel bad, make yourself wrong, make the map maker, your luck, god wrong for your misfortune.
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