What is the intrinsic role of commitment…?

commitment-to-marryWhat is the intrinsic role of commitment… making a commitment, committing to something?

Ever asked the question why people get engaged? Engaged to be married…

Engagement is making a commitment…

But commitment is tricky.

Real commitment comes from the Intrinsic Self, and you don’t need to make it. It is what the Intrinsic Self wants you to do…

Most things you call commitment, are impositions on the Intrinsic Self, impositions on you. Duty, obligation, drudgery.

They come from either an outside goal or an ego goal… and they don’t get the support of the Intrinsic Self.

The engagement period drives up the real sentiments, and if there is any honesty, will prove or disprove the authenticity of the commitment.

Authenticity means: coming from the intrinsic Self.
Continue reading “What is the intrinsic role of commitment…?”

The inner jail keeper. That robs you of your Self


The reward system that robbed you of your Self… and made you a pig that doesn’t want to fly

As a Jew, I have, firmly rooted, a conviction that I am a chosen one. Not The Chosen One, but A chosen one.

This may be the secret to my attitude that I hear guidance in so many things.

And because I expect guidance, it shows up.

This may be the secret…

It is Monday morning, and of course, the Monday Morning Memo has arrived.

This morning I chose to listen to the memo, instead of reading it.

The memo was dramatized, much like a radio advertising… Radio advertising I haven’t heard in many years.

I was cringing. I hated it. But it made me think:

What people are saying isn’t so much in the words, but it the attitude that is fueling them. Continue reading “The inner jail keeper. That robs you of your Self”

How to master your attention… because wherever attention goes, energy flows

a-simple-act-of-paying-attention-can-take-you-a-long-long-way-keanu-reevesFirst off, let me set something straight: mind has nothing to do with attention. Thought has nothing to do with attention.

Attention is an energy, and it’s NOT operated by the mind or your thoughts. Not and never…

Never mistake mindlessness for mindfulness. “We have to move from passive absorption to active awareness. We have to engage.”

Everybody wants a silent mind. So much so that they consider being unconscious a blissful state. But going unconscious, being unconscious, is not the purpose of training yourself to have control over your mind…

What you train is your attention.

Attention is, surprisingly, an energetic phenomenon… I see it as a vector: it has a base, and it has a direction. It has a certain energetic, penetrative quality.
Continue reading “How to master your attention… because wherever attention goes, energy flows”

They tell you to read… so you go and read junk!

without-investigationThe Belly-Fat of Ignorance

If you feed your body processed food… you get belly fat, sluggish, and your body won’t be a fine-tuned machine, serving you.

If you feed your brain with processed information, your brain gets the same way: clogged, filled with junk… huge belly fat of ignorance.

What is processed information? It’s second hand information, Tree of Knowledge, filtered through someone else’s brain, for a purpose…

In food you need unprocessed food: so you can be sure what you are eating is an original. You process it and make your own body from it.

In information, finding the very few people with Tree of Life knowledge will give you unprocessed information that will nourish you.

Nearly everything you find freely on the internet is processed information.
Continue reading “They tell you to read… so you go and read junk!”

The Art of War can be said is the Art of Life

Sun Tzu The Art of WarI watched this hour and a half long documentary on Sun Tzu’s lessons, and real historical wars America fought inside and outside of America.

I wept throughout.

I value, overall, human life. Even if it is the life of someone I don’t like, don’t respect, or who is the enemy.

So it was painful.

If you are one of those who doesn’t have the stomach for real life, who only wants to know about the nice things in life… You are stupid. Life is life, people are people, and life is war.

Whether you like it or not.
Continue reading “The Art of War can be said is the Art of Life”

October special… Can the Power of this special day break through your resistance?

days-of-powerNew experiment: Can the spiritual power of the Days of Power be used to power an activation?

Activation of a spiritual capacity?

I am thinking of combining the Day of Power on Sunday, October 16, with the Unconditional Love Activator live activation.

If you have the activator already, then you are welcome to the call. If you don’t: you can buy any version between now and the session, and be eligible to be on the call.

Here is how the call will go:

Continue reading “October special… Can the Power of this special day break through your resistance?”

How to use Charlie Munger quotes to get insight

the-iron-rule-of-nature-is-you-get-what-you-reward-for-if-you-want-ants-to-come-you-put-sugar-on-the-floor“The iron rule of nature is: you get what you reward for. If you want ants to come, you put sugar on the floor.”
~ Charles T. Munger

Let’s reverse engineer this quote.

You could look at it straight… and see nothing.

You look at it in reverse, and a whole world opens up.
Continue reading “How to use Charlie Munger quotes to get insight”

Are you tough enough to deserve the good life?

unpopular-decisionsTo get what you want, you have to deserve what you want. The world is not yet a crazy enough place to reward a whole bunch of undeserving people.

I am continuing the inquiry into curiosity… the intrinsic motivation of humans… how you lost it, how to rekindle it… and what might be in the way.

I am going to use myself, because curiosity is so rare, and so relatively unconscious, unobserved, and unacknowledged, that I don’t even know who I could ask about their own experience… Let’s hope that this state of affairs will change soon. Continue reading “Are you tough enough to deserve the good life?”

To the degree that you are curious that you have a Self


Remember when I told you, in an earlier article, that the opposite of fear is curiosity?

Curiosity is that, and more. 1

I have found that curiosity is the main component in aliveness… so it is also the opposite of dead, deadened, alienated, dull, and foggy.

It is also the main sparker of intelligence.

We are all born curious. Most of us kill our curiosity. Curiosity, what I call curiosity, is open ended.

Finding THE answer to a question is not the curiosity I am talking about.

Thinking that you need answers is the number one killer of curiosity, of aliveness, of intelligence.

Our parents, teachers, like us not curious, not intelligent, so they kill our curiosity.

At least seemingly.

You have the spark… buried, covered up with deadness, but it is there.
Continue reading “To the degree that you are curious that you have a Self”

How you feel tells the level of your deep curiosity factor

The connection between misery and the level of your deep curiosity factor

curious-bookI am reading the book ‘Curious’ and I am looking at curiosity waxing and waning in my life, in different periods.

I am in the intensely curious phase. I am able to look at things that I don’t like, and I am seeing those things in a wide field of neutral or maybe even positive things… insignificant dot in the big picture.

The same things, in my incurious phases would drive me nuts, or depressed… maybe even suicidal. Or on a fixing campaign… ranting and raving.

Curiosity seems to be the factor that stands out the most between my miserable periods and my periods of life that are OK or maybe even enjoyable.

There are two types of curiosity, as I can see it:
Continue reading “How you feel tells the level of your deep curiosity factor”