A Manifesto Against ‘Parenting’

This is an article I snatched from the New York Times…

What you don’t know is this: you teach your children to color inside the lines, never experiment, never make mistakes, to live in fear, and to experience little. To not even experience what they experience. To be little soldiers that will make you look good, while you attempt to live your life and give as little attention to the kids as you can.

Hell on earth…

One one hand you are protective, on the other you neglect them… And then you fell guilty.

Just look back at your childhood. You are stunted, and your children are stunted.

This article explains some of why… some, not all.

In the article of my own that I will publish today (it’s not ready yet) I will add some more clarity.

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It’s amazing how much you can get if you quietly, clearly, and authoritatively demand it…


Everybody dreams of a stress free life… even though stress wakes you up. Stress as in challenge. I am not talking about the anxiety where you are fighting what if scenarios… that will never happen.

My countryman, who worked in Canada, Selye Janos (aka Hans Selye), was an endocrinologist, who was the first to demonstrate the existence of biological stress.

Stress response, what stress can do to your body.

But in his groundbreaking book, “Stress without Distress” he showed that stress also keeps us alive.

Continue reading “It’s amazing how much you can get if you quietly, clearly, and authoritatively demand it…”

Life skills… skills you need for a good life

Here is an article from skills you need dot com

Become worth a damn

The term ‘Life Skills’ refers to the skills you need to make the most out of life.

Life skills are usually associated with managing and living a better quality of life. They help us to accomplish our ambitions and live to our full potential.

Any skill that is useful in your life can be considered a life skill. Tying your shoe laces, swimming, driving a car and using a computer are, for most people, useful life skills.

Here at Skills You Need you’ll find lots of information about life skills and life skill development. We don’t cover tying your shoe laces but you will find hundreds of articles around personal development.

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What can YOU reasonably expect from any program?

The most popular page on this site, www.yourvibration.com, is my Mind Movies review page.

So I decided to add a few words to it… I added this today:

what results you can expect from a program?Bad news: no matter what program you buy, if you remain the same inside, small, arrogant, and fearful, no program will do anything for you… For most people there is a chasm, a big divide between what they want and what they do… And that big divide needs to be bridged by small purposeful actions. But the problem I see with any results based goal setting program: most people are incapable of designing the small actions, let alone doing them. So the success rate of a program like Mind Movies is way less than 1%…
Continue reading “What can YOU reasonably expect from any program?”

How to measure vibration? vibrational frequency…

let me measure your vibrationHow to measure vibration? How to measure spiritual vibration? how to measure your vibrational frequency

The vibration number, often called ‘vibrational frequency,’ tells a lot about a person.

According to many teachers, you need to raise your vibration to the level of the things you want…

This video is about that:

Hi, I am Empath Sophie… I am a true empath… I’ll guide you here to understanding. Continue reading “How to measure vibration? vibrational frequency…”

Updated: The secret of being able to change

becoming independent from society's pullThe original of this article was published a year ago… I have added new insights today

The secret of my being able to change, and be reborn with a higher frequency, a higher vibration, is that I have been able to keep in check the societal imperative to care about other people more than I care about myself. And in addition to that, I have been able to admit to myself all the errors of my ways that I can see. So I don’t even want to look good to myself. I am willing to accept myself, warts and all… for all I am and for all I am lacking.

This comes with giving up the emotional impact of others view of me, of others opinion of me, of others praise or hate of me, and my opinion of me… especially when I make a mistake, a false step, or when I make a fool of myself.

This attachment to opinions needs to be actively given up: no epigenetic shift, no transformation, no energy remedy will make these opinions neutral: we do live in a society, and others opinion of you and your products determines your money: and your money determines whether you eat, be sheltered, have leisure time, and a lot more. And your own opinion about yourself will determine whether you are going to play fully… or shrink.

So opinions are important, but they are not important emotionally.

Fear is emotional. Careful, thoughtful pro-action is not.

Continue reading “Updated: The secret of being able to change”

Only people who are willing to go to hell and back can have real compassion and be happy.

rememberingIt’s been a weird couple of days.

Every time I stop doing something my mind goes to evil acts I have seen in movies or read about in books.

It started with the Marco Polo series on Netflix. I realized that I can’t watch betrayal… something about betrayal is too difficult for me to be with.

I wondered if it was that I saw myself in either the traitor or the betrayed, but I don’t think it’s that.

But it dislodged a veritable mound of buried memories of acts in books and other movies.

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Limiting beliefs… what should you do about them?

you don't have to be great to start but you have to start to become greatLimiting beliefs… can you zap them like Christie Marie Sheldon pretends to do? Does listening to some guru, watching some Mind Valley video help you chuck them, change them, or eliminate them?

The answer is no. You can’t eliminate limiting beliefs, and they can’t eliminate limiting beliefs either.

Limiting beliefs will not go anywhere. You have to find another way to win: stop listening to them.

I have limiting beliefs, but you would not know from my actions. I don’t consider my mind chatter significant. I only listen to advisors that I hired… I never hired my mind chatter. Continue reading “Limiting beliefs… what should you do about them?”

When your life is looked at through a different filter, you see something you have never seen

Photographer Removes Phones From Photos To Highlight Our Terrible Addiction

earth porm

How addicted are you to your cell phone? The real answer may surprise you. “Removed” is an awesome photo project by American photographer Eric Pickergill that highlights our horrible addiction to smartphones in a whole new way. Pickergill removes phones and other digital devices from his photos and as a result presents an entirely new photo—one that shows how much we are missing out on everyday moments all because of technology.

Pickergill admits he’s not above smartphone addiction; he spends far too much time on his mobile devices too. It wasn’t his own addiction that inspired the project, but instead a family he encountered while out taking notes at a New York café.
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I am changing… Why aren’t you? You can’t? You won’t?

the-measure-of-intelligenceI have been changing. Subtly.

The biggest problem with subtle changes is that they go unnoticed. And if you are like most people, you want encouragement, you want people to see that you are becoming something better.

But your environment is about as aware and as present as you are, which means: not very. And besides they are busy having their head up their ass… so until you are very very very different, they don’t notice it.

A good example is your weight: if you drop two dress sizes… then they notice it. But if you are doing it right, in a sustainable fashion, it’s taken you months… And for those months you had gotten no feedback.
Continue reading “I am changing… Why aren’t you? You can’t? You won’t?”