The Detached capacity: Gateway to heaven

gateway-to-heavenThe Detached capacity is the gateway to heaven… and also the gatekeeper to heaven. All ways to heaven, to higher functioning, to human beingness lead through this capacity…

It’s very interesting: whenever I start a new course, or a workshop, suddenly everyone gets quiet.

They are waiting for the other shoe to drop. What shoe? lol… so see if it works… holding their breath.

Anyway, the workshop started this morning, and I enjoyed it. Even I learned a lot…

If you are in the workshop: I would appreciate a little bit of public feedback.

The first session (of the Detached capacity workshop) was enjoyable. I never expect that: my whole base attitude is pessimistic. I prepare for horror, and I am always pleasantly surprised.
Continue reading “The Detached capacity: Gateway to heaven”

Being in your head… out of your head… choose one

  1. voices go silentI don’t do well with people who are intense. I am not sure why, but my physiology gets all tense, resistant, and I just want to go away, or watch a movie, or go to bed.All those sensations are in the horizontal aspect of me. We could call it “my head”, even though the feelings are in my body. But it’s shorter and more popular to say “I am in my head” than to say: I am pulled into my horizontal, lower self. Right?
  2. I used to live in my head. I didn’t notice until there was something happening outside of my head. I only noticed that I was missing it.too_much_condo_data_960x540I was missing togetherness. Intimacy. Feeling a touch. Mostly the sexual aspect of it. I went through the motions, while I really wasn’t there.I went to dances and wasn’t present. I didn’t even see my dance partner’s face, or if I did, I saw it through the haze of my thoughts.I had only one way to go to sleep: to knock myself out with circular breathing that actually made me faint. Otherwise I would be up and in my head all night.
  3. I talk to people, and I can feel that they are not there. There is no echo. Where are they? In their head… thinking about what I said… I guess.
    Continue reading “Being in your head… out of your head… choose one”

Are you a soul-less human? Are reptilian influences real?

The reason humanity (and your life) looks the way it looks is because you are a coward.

What do I mean by that? Some people know that they are cowards, some people suspect that they may be cowards, but most people don’t know and don’t give a rat’s ass if they are cowards or not.

What am I talking about?

I am talking about humans’ delusional nature.

It takes courage to have a worldview where you are responsible for what you do, who you are being, what you say. Continue reading “Are you a soul-less human? Are reptilian influences real?”

Get unstuck with the detached capacity

What would you do if you could do anything?

It’s hard to answer, isn’t it?

After all seeing the whole big world with all its possibilities and opportunities is very hard when you live in a small box created by the mind, by the dominant beliefs, and your doom.

And it’s a big problem!

I asked a friend of mind what he would do if he were a millionaire. He said he would fly his private plane… That’s it. Could not see anything else!

I have been working on creating a communication course, but given that so many of you are stuck, and so many of you are having difficulty getting out of your minds: first things first:
Continue reading “Get unstuck with the detached capacity”

Is being astute a good thing? A bad thing?

astute? frog or ice cream chooseIs being astute a good thing? Or does it mean you are a bad person who wants to deceive others?

If someone says: You are very astute… that is a high compliment. It means that you can see what most people can’t, and you can see it accurately.

One of the issues that keep you from being astute is that you are dehydrated, that you are not well. The other issue is that your vibration is too low. This other article explains why and how.

Let me check your vibration


Often when people use my Water Energizer® to energize their water, or change their diet to what matches their body better, they get smarter, they get more astute.

When you are in survival, because you are not well, you retreat to the mind… the stupidest part of you, that isn’t even looking before it speaks. When you try to be astute from the mind, or be astute from the intellect, you aren’t.

You can only be astute from intelligence, from actually looking. Intelligence is a Right Brain phenomenon: not word-based, not logic-based, not based on what you know. It is based on what you see, what consciousness sees, without any filters.

Trying to be astute from the mind or the intellect, both left-brain phenomenon, word based, stored pictures based, you aren’t astute. You can’t. You are a smart Alec or a dumb Alec… neither intelligent, nor astute.

One of my best students asked for the capacity.

I turned the capacity on for her… and she promptly trashed it, by using the mind and the intellect to keep it active.

We could also say: she used thinking. Which says one more thing about intelligence: intelligence is not present when there is thinking. Thinking is mind and intellect. Intelligence is seeing. Intelligence is getting it. Not thinking.

So, with that said: If I asked you what would be the most important capacity to master in the coming years, you would come up with all kinds of capacities, but I bet you would not think of saying: becoming astute.

Continue reading “Is being astute a good thing? A bad thing?”

What makes soap operas addictive? What are YOU hooked on?

got its hooks in youVery “interesting” experience. I watched the first year of Dexter, and although I wanted to watch all episodes, the first year was not addictive.

But I had a premonition about the rest of the series.

Made up by skilled television writers, I knew it was going to be something dangerous to my well-being.

Unneeded complications, many different side-story lines, all dramatic and irrelevant, all stories I would not watch Netflix for. But all of these side-stories had a claw as sharp as the tiny hooks of burr… of velcro.

I felt myself getting hooked on the horizontal world, the irrelevant, the shallow, the dramatic nothing.

And I can feel the ego now clawing for me to return… as if I could not survive without that drek. I am serious. The pull is tremendous.

Now, why am I sharing this? Because this is how the horizontal, the family, the circle of friends, the news, the elections, social media hooks you. On the world or irrelevant, with tiny hooks like velcro.
Continue reading “What makes soap operas addictive? What are YOU hooked on?”

A breakthrough some of you should attempt

In this article I share a breakthrough method that will allow you to do the things you haven’t been able to do, so you can get to where you want to get to. In any area of your life… Not by changing what you think, what you believe, but by embracing it.

I mentioned in another article that I have had a real hard time throwing stuff away, whether it is on the computer, or in my space.

I paid attention to the emotions that rose to screaming level when I actually did throw something away. Given those strong emotions, no wonder that I am a pack-rat. Continue reading “A breakthrough some of you should attempt”

Children. All become stupid, ugly grown-ups

“Intelligence is the inborn capacity to see, to perceive. Every child is born intelligent, then made stupid by the society. We educate him in stupidity. Sooner or later he graduates in stupidity.

Intelligence is a natural phenomenon – just as breathing is, just as seeing is. Intelligence is the inner seeing; it is intuitive. It has nothing to do with intellect, remember. Never confuse intellect with intelligence, they are polar opposites. Intellect is of the head; it is taught by others, it is imposed on you. You have to cultivate it. It is borrowed, it is something foreign, it is not inborn.

But intelligence is inborn. It is your very being, your very nature. “~Osho Continue reading “Children. All become stupid, ugly grown-ups”

Updated: Happyness vs happiness, being vs. doing

life is a journey 2Happyness and happiness

I just looked at the cover of the book The Pursuit of Happyness and it hit me that the difference between those two words is:
the first, happyness is the journey, your beingness and
the second, happiness is the destination.

“It is not about the destination, it is about the journey…” you repeat… good boy, but you don’t know what you are talking about. Literally, you can explain it, you can even visualize it, and yet, you have no clue what that means, because it is counter-cultural. And because your beingness is firmly vested in a jumping… no work necessary paradigm.

In a culture of goal setting, in a culture of competition, success is the only thing that matters (to others, in the world, in the culture…) and you ate that b.s., hook, line and sinker. And you are trapped… but you don’t have to stay that way.

Let me explain in this article the art of being on the journey, in beingness, and fully appreciating it, fully enjoying it.
Continue reading “Updated: Happyness vs happiness, being vs. doing”

Your beingness is given by your attitude right now

attitude is a state of being. All actions come from it.The importance of being: who you are being, from where it all comes, your actions, your feelings, your results

It’s obvious to me: I am not succeeding in conveying the importance of being.

And another thing is starting to get clear: everything we think about attitudes is off… sometimes a lot, other times a little.

So I am going to muse here for a bit, a see if I can make more sense of it, for you.

Attitude is a beingness phenomenon. It is not mental, it is not emotional, it is not intellectual. It is a state of being. And yet… it is created by words.

Special words, mind you. But words nevertheless.

You can LABEL your beingness, or your attitude with an emotion word… but you cannot change your emotion… so if that were how attitude is, then humans would never have any power over their attitudes, and therefore their lives.

But humans do… Attitudes are created with words, managed with words, changed with words.

Here is an attitude of arrogance. A superiority. Can you, if you have nothing to go on, change that attitude?

You can’t.

But if you listen in, deeply, to the words, what is there is a version of this:

I am better than you. Only what I say matters, whatever you say doesn’t matter, because I am the big cheese. I know and you don’t, so I’ll tell you. I advise you, I counsel you, I coach you, because I know, I am better than you. Your job in this relationship is to admire me. To validate me. To flatter me. Who do you think you are to open your mouth, tell me what to do, or criticize me?! etc.

Now, being in a state of being has gotten a misleading interpretation, namely that it’s a good thing. But being in a state of being is neutral. You are always in a state of being. The question is: what is your state of being?

Your state of being is what is also called ATTITUDE.

You can look at the being and tell if it is a high vibration being or a low vibration being. If it is constructive. If it is conducive to good relationship, to love, to caring, to productivity, to growth, to good health, etc.

Your being is invisible to you, like water is for the fish. Its LABEL is visible to others.

Because it is invisible to you, you don’t know about it. And you can’t catch what you can’t see…

Our job here is to learn how to see what’s invisible… Because all the power comes from the invisible.

So you go to what you know about, your conscious thoughts and your the feelings you can name.

But your thoughts and feelings are often far from where your being is.

  • When I say to someone: you are arrogant… they say: I don’t feel arrogant. Of course you don’t… arrogance doesn’t feel, because it is a being. It is obvious to others, invisible to you.
  • When I say to someone: you are stingy… they say: I am not. I am very giving… but the beingness of stingy isn’t even something they can wrap their mind or feelings around.

But, listen up!

ALL your actions derive themselves from the attitude, the being. Your feelings and thoughts have rarely any relevance at all.

Being able to have a certain attitude is a good thing… but not all attitudes are available to you unless you have the capacity for that being, for that attitude.

Generosity is one of these attitudes… you can do the moves of generosity, you’ll praise someone, you allow them to finish their sentence, but you are doing it, against your better judgment. You are doing it because you want something. You have an agenda.

Or you DO compassion… but your attitude is contempt. Or superiority. Or ‘I am better than you.’

You DO love, but your attitude is contempt.

In my last romantic relationship we first shared MY apartment in New Jersey. Then we moved to New York because of his job. And then we lived in HIS apartment.

His attitude in the relationship was: ‘I am the boss. Unless you please me I’ll kick you out. Everything that is yours is also mine, but if you touch MY stuff, I kick you out. You better keep MY house clean, cook dinner for me, or you are history.

What is YOUR hidden attitude with your significant other?

Authentic being doesn’t have an agenda. Neither a hidden agenda, nor a overt agenda. No agenda.

When you have the authentic being of generosity, you don’t shut up so people will like you, so they listen, so you get what you want. No, the authentic being of generosity is for no reason at all. You are not in scarcity… Scarcity expresses itself in agendas, winning, getting, and such.

So now what?

You are inauthentic, that’s what. And you lie about it.


Most attitudes make you miserable. Like being stingy. Like being arrogant. Like being tentative, cautious, and withdrawing.

Why? Because your higher self communicate to you through pain and bad feelings.

It is not a guidance voice, as they preach it is, no. It is a punishing guidance… and of course you have no ears to hear, no eyes to see, so you suffer, and get no guidance from it.

In order to get guidance, you need distinctions, but you don’t have many… and the ones you have are Tree of Knowledge: you learned them from someone who learned them from someone… who ultimately made it up. Mostly the Dark Side.

change-your-attitudeSo you listen to your feelings as guidance, and your listen to your mind chatter as guidance, and they are saying all kinds of things, and you are left… hey, let’s tell the truth: powerless.

So, what can you do?

  • You can do what most people will do: try to fix their feelings or their minds. Plenty of programs for that.
  • or you can do what I do, what I did, and what I recommend that you do:
    Step out from the circle of noise into the circle of silence.

Step into being. What being? The first being you can step into is “I am not my feelings and I am not my thoughts. I am not my history, I am not my body, I am me.”

You can try to do it on your own, and you’ll see if you have the capacity or not.

If you already have the capacity, you’ll experience the silence. And you can open your eyes and see what you should do, without having to think about it.

If you don’t already have the capacity to step into being, you’ll know, because you won’t have a place to step into. The noise will continue, the feelings will continue, and maybe even get louder.

step-into-beingThe capacity, I call, Step Into Being, can be activated for you, and if you practice it enough, it will stick. 1

The being it allows you to step into is simply the being of silence. The being of stepping outside of the hubbub.

But for most of you, that will be a revolutionary step, the step that will make all the difference.

If you don’t need it, this is not a good time. It will just turn off.

Unless you have more than 10 opportunities and needs a day to use it, it will turn off.
