Profound article… please read and heed… What else can I say?

Question – Yesterday I heard that my friend had died. Yet as I wept, I found myself giving thanks for the sweetness of life. Is there a place for mourning?

Osho – If you have loved somebody, really loved, and you didn’t miss an opportunity to love, then there is no place for mourning because then there is no repentance. You never postpone anything, death cannot destroy anything. If you postpone, then death destroys. For example: you love somebody but you say,’I will love tomorrow,’ and that’s what you go on saying. You go on imagining tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, You go on postponing: you fight today, you will love tomorrow. You are angry here-now, you will love tomorrow. You go on postponing.

Then one day suddenly death comes, and it is always sudden. It gives no hint that it is coming. The foot sounds are never heard, the footsteps can never he guessed. It always comes suddenly, catches you unawares, and the friend is gone, the lover is gone, the beloved is gone; the mother, the father, the brother is gone. Then there is mourning because death destroys tomorrow, and you were depending on tomorrow. Now there will be no tomorrow. Now you cannot postpone, and the person is gone. Now you feel a deep repentance; out of that repentance mourning arises. You are not weeping for the friend who is gone, you are weeping for yourself, for the wasted opportunity.

Continue reading on my Osho blog

Opportunities for growth, opportunity to make a difference

when somebody diesToday I woke up to trouble all around.

My favorite niece died and my checking account is overdrawn.

I know, I know, how can I put something so significant and something so mundane in the same sentence? I see your point. And yet, they happened on the same morning, and both hurt.

I went through many phases of grieving, disbelief, denial, anger, blame, depression… I know there are at least seven predictable phases, who cares.

What do you do when someone dies, someone who you loved, even if you haven’t spoken with her since she was six years old?

Really? And which “you” do I mean?
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Have you ever noticed… what hope is doing to you?

whores... selling the now for a future that may never happenYou have your eyes on something. Something that is currently out of reach. It either take work, time, or money to get it. Time passes, you do the work, you get the money, you buy it… and then something totally unexpected happens: you don’t want it. You don’t want to use it…

Another version of the same thing, just in a different arena: you want a person to love you. You long for it. You court them. You buy them gifts, or do nice things to them. Then, when they say they love you and want you… the bottom falls out. You suddenly don’t want it.

But why would such a horrible thing be a daily occurrence?
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2015 Passover, the blood moon, what is Passover about?

2015 Passover blood moon signI grew up communist, atheist, so when I left Hungary in 1982, I went to Israel to find out what it means to be Jewish. Honestly, I didn’t like any of it… It wasn’t for me… all that tradition, or alternatively all that worldliness…

I came the the US, and at some point I started to study Kabbalah with the Kabbalah Centre… 1 Kabbalah is an incomprehensible vague oral tradition, wide open to interpretation, and thus, for most people it is quite useless. Mystical, yeah… but… mystical for a purpose is poison to your soul.

The study of Kabbalah used to be limited to men over 40. Why? because younger men, and women are more result oriented.

Result oriented is good… you would say if you live in our culture, that is what you are supposed to be, right?
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Psychic and Spiritual Exploitation by Fake Gurus

This is a tremendous Osho talk… timeless, and distinguishes what gets you hooked on false gurus, what they use to hook you… Pay attention: it is not easy to get that you are the cause, they are just opportunistic: you give them the opportunity to exploit you.

Once you become clear, once you move your whole self into your Witness position, you’ll be invulnerable, because you’ll have the clarity, and you’ll have accepted “the work” you need to do.

If you don’t have a ton of questions after reading this article, you are beyond hope… so please go someplace where you can be exploited: that is what you are looking for. Harsh? Yeah.

One more thing: I never talk about shaktipat because I have never experienced it. I never talk about shaktipat because I have never known a person who actually received energy, I have only talked to guys that have a vivid imagination and a shitty life…

Osho on Psychic & Spiritual Exploitation by Fake Gurus

Question – Is Psychic Exploitation possible in the name of Shaktipat? How is it possible And how is the Meditator to guard against it?

Continue reading this revealing article on my Osho site

Osho: Self-knowledge is the most difficult thing – because you are scared to know about yourself

Osho on self-knowledgeYesterday I wrote about the “nut” that unless you break it and see what’s in it, your life will be lived out in the misery of duality. There is help available, here, because you need someone who is ruthlessly compassionate.

Of course you want someone who’ll console you, who’ll coddle you, but if you really want to get to the other side of it, and start the process of becoming real, you need someone who doesn’t buy into your fantasy about yourself, that even you know it’s a fantasy.

I, honestly, don’t expect any of you to be ready. It’s not a rate thing, I could offer it for free, and you wouldn’t be interested enough to come.

The Playground was a long version of this process, and a total of three-four people attended regularly. Of course there I didn’t tell people what was required of them… maybe I didn’t really know… I only realized the significance after 2-3 months passed.

Here is an Osho talk, talking about this exact topic. Enjoy.

Self-knowledge is the most difficult thing – not because it is difficult, but because you are scared to know about yourself. A deep fear exists. Everybody is trying to escape, escape from himself. This fear has to be understood. And if this fear exists, whatsoever you do will not be of much help. You may think that you want to know yourself, but if this unconscious fear is there you will continuously avoid, you will continuously try to hide, deceive. On the one hand you will try to know yourself, and on the other hand you will create all sorts of hindrances so that you cannot know.

Continue reading the talk on my Osho site

The fundamental error of human thinking: that things are fixable, that things need fixing…

If you look, at least half of your time is spent fixing or being part of a “fix”.

The problem with fixing is fundamental and it is against Life and it is against Nature. Fixing has the root in “something is wrong”… but in nature nothing is every wrong. It is what it is. Wrong, and an attitude, a perspective, a judgment, comes from humans.

Nature, Life, never fixes anything, it continues on what is, and it either will live or die. Or it restores… but not fixes…

Nature, Life, doesn’t care. Caring is a human error.

Every solution to a problem creates a larger problem.
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How come all the sages haven’t made a difference?

Let me first define what I mean by ‘making a difference…’

…because there is a lot of mischief about that in common language. Because it’s been a slogan. Because it has been a bromide for so long.

OK, explanation: if I am hired to design a system that reduces the carbon dioxide load… to turn around the Global Warming… I am asked to ‘make a difference’, i.e. to alter the future.

If I didn’t do that, but a lot of people are now arguing about it…
If I didn’t do that, but a few people in rich countries are using wind power and solar power… did I make a difference? No.
Continue reading “How come all the sages haven’t made a difference?”

Who is listening? Who are you when you listen?

who or what is listening?Did you notice that you don’t want to hear anything unpleasant? That the title of the previous article made you want to run?

Years ago I wrote an article, who is speaking, who is listening, what is speaking, what is listening.

Not one reader understood it… and that gave me the baseline to work with: nobody home, no distinctions, no who and no what is conscious over there.

Another possible reason why no one would understand is this: because the pretense you live, the fake life you live, the fake you that you promote in the world did not allow you to actually look, so you can answer the question.
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I have been having suicidal thoughts… What does the echo say?

being guided by the echoSometimes having someone to talk to, someone who can listen, instead of trying to solve your problems, is the best thing that can happen to you.

But there are things that are hard to share.

And then, if you are the one who is supposed to be there for others, no one expects you to have problems, or to be there for you. You are alone, and that is that.

All my life I have been the strong one, and no one ever expected me to need them to listen to me. So when I needed someone to listen, I had to pay them. It’s expensive. And now I don’t even trust anyone to just listen… so it’s tough.
Continue reading “I have been having suicidal thoughts… What does the echo say?”