More about tithing… Become a value recognizer

recognize valueMore about tithing;

In the previous article on tithing we discussed the issue whether to tithe or not to tithe.

In this article we’ll look at the issue: if you want to tithe: what is the best way, what is the best place, from the point of view of your own self-interest.

The distinction I’d like to introduce here: Value recognizer, and I suggest that you become one. Why? You’ll see… invaluable!

Become a value recognizer Continue reading “More about tithing… Become a value recognizer”

Secret of Success – change your false belief

find your false belief

Your core belief is what keeps you sick, or fat, or miserable, or poor… but it is not easy to see your exact belief… A belief is a sentence… words… And without the exact sentence, you can’t release it

I have showed you a way or two in previous posts…

Another great way to suspect a core belief is the following? ((how you know that something is a belief you live by is that for you it is the truth!))

Let’s suppose that you love movies. You watch a movie. You are spellbound. You are somehow kept in awe, but when someone asks what about that movie that does that magical thing to you, you have no answer.

I have a few foreign movies that did that to me (American movies are largely unsuited for this purpose: they treat the viewer as imbecile) Continue reading “Secret of Success – change your false belief”