What tools can get you unstuck? Try distinctions

distinctionsIn case you’re stuck – distinctions can come to save the day.

What are distinctions?

A great way to define a distinction is that it is a a property that sets it different from anything else that’s alike. A lady of distinction is a lady who’s not like everyone else somehow, better, more, above them.

A different way to examine distinctions is that it is a concept or occurrence or maybe even abstraction. (abstraction definition: a general quality or characteristic, apart from concrete realities, specific objects, or actual instances. )

I am going to speak about this latter manner of looking, where distinction is a concept. Continue reading “What tools can get you unstuck? Try distinctions”

Weight, relationship, money you desire… are you stuck in these areas?

desire finding its targetWhat does it take to attract your desire?

In January, people make resolutions, that address some of their deepest desires.

Weight, relationship and money are the three most frequent wishes, and most of them never go anywhere, no change, and yet another year makes hope lost a little bit more, confidence lost a little bit more, self-esteem lost a little bit more.

Why would this be?

There are many reasons, but I’d like to address one: it takes several inner and outer changes to bring about the capacity to change any of the three main areas.

And because we weren’t told how to change our inner world, little by little, one tiny change at a time, we never actually do it, and unless your inner world, your being changes, your outer world, your weight, your relationships, your money situation can’t change.

Examples to this what happens when there are sudden and unprepared-for changes that came from the outside.
Continue reading “Weight, relationship, money you desire… are you stuck in these areas?”