Is One healing modality more valid than others?

healing modalityIs There Any Healing Modality More Valid Than Others? Do any of them work better?

Though it seems that the healing modality that works for you is the only modality that would work for anyone, the truth is that the modality that works for you is the right healing modality for you and for people that have an affinity to the same modality.

What do I mean by that, and what the heck is healing modality anyway?

Modality, just like when we approach learning, or self expression, has a tendency to choose us: we don’t have much of a choice in them.

In learning we can be auditory, or visual, or kinesthetic: they are learning modalities. Continue reading “Is One healing modality more valid than others?”

The Core Belief of Failure – What is Yours?

core beliefThe Core Belief of Failure – What is Yours?

The seed level of failure – what is yours?

What is the difference between a failure, a never do well, an underachiever, a disappointment, and the “successful ones” Like Tony Robbins, like T. Harv Eker? Like Wayne Dyer?

Are they smarter? Some of them, but not all.

Are they better looking, harder working, better educated, better connected? Some of them, but not all.

Yet, they are successful… what is the difference? What is the difference, across the board, case after case, maybe in every case? Continue reading “The Core Belief of Failure – What is Yours?”

Are There Some Hidden Blockages To Attaining The Good Life You Could Melt Away?

hidden blockagesAnother difficulty I see in accomplishing any meaningful purpose, including money goals, is that people’s vibration is blocked by beliefs, their own, their inherited beliefs, societal agreements, parental suggestions, that aren’t even spelled out anywhere.

One type of these hidden blockages is agreements that were never made.

This distinction was, for me, half of what I paid %2400 for, when I did the Landmark Partnership Program. It cleared up 50% of what kept me stuck, miserable, and a victim. So please pay attention and allow this distinction to make as much or more difference for you as it made for me. Without having to pay the $2400 and shuffle off to Los Angeles six times, and the expense. Please!? Continue reading “Are There Some Hidden Blockages To Attaining The Good Life You Could Melt Away?”

How to raise your consciousness to the level of guru in 18 months?

raise your consciousness

How to raise your consciousness, wretched to guru in 18 months?

I had a conversation with a friend of mine. She is the kind of friend that is in and out of my life… she lives a dramatic life and she needs help, technical, health, money, legal… that is the basis of our relationship.

I used to be the kind of person she is, and I have compassion. She doesn’t bring me down, and I enjoy her unique view of life… she is a transgendered, was born a man, and she lives as a woman. She never changed her name… she once got kicked out of an apartment because her name said Jeffrey (not her real name.)

I was recounting to her the miraculous rise of my consciousness… and she asked what she could do to raise hers. Continue reading “How to raise your consciousness to the level of guru in 18 months?”