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Will emotional healing heal your physical problems?

In this case study we’ll look at finding the physical issue and enable the body to heal itself, by 1. attending to the crucial organs that may be congested, like the liver and the pancreas, and cleanse them, flush them, energize them. 2. look for micro or macro invaders, bacteria, yeast, fungus, or parasites 3. influence the emotional state of the client so they allow healing instead of blocking it.

I have recently taken on a pro bono client, who is getting weaker and weaker, sicker and sicker by the day. He is in his mid 60's.

I am doing what I do for him remotely, using the empath method, which is healing by proxy. I do what I do non my own body, while I am connected to him.

He needs, first, cleansing and energizing both his liver and pancreas...

He is certain his troubles are due to emotional issues. I dare to differ.

My take on what ails him is that it's physical and undiagnosed.

Many people are drawn to my site, drawn to "distant healers" or the Healing Codes, EFT, and other emotional clearing modalities to heal their physical diseases.
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