Are you pushing the door that says: pull?

this-is-how-you-waste-your-lifeFinally I managed to tame this new computer 80%. It is one of the things I don’t like to do… I’d rather just coach, or write articles, read, watch Netflix… but I have the capacity of the Sight, I have the capacity to be the cause… so I did what I needed to do.

It seems that I am quite alone with this, at least among us… But why?

Then it hit me: All the movies I watch, happiness, joy are sporadic. And grunting, grim faces, are all over.

And yet, if you look inside, you think that you can be the exception, and you can have a life all about sunshine, all about smiling, all about joy. That is the fallacy, generously spread by the Dark Side, by positive thinkers, by gurus. 1

I wonder what drug you are on… because, if you look around, other than on Facebook and other medium for pretense, life is not an event full of smiles, and laughter.

Life is 99% struggle, and 1% of that smiley laughter filled joy.
Continue reading “Are you pushing the door that says: pull?”

How do you get an attachment? Why some people get attachments while others don’t?

jumping attachmentI have been watching, patiently, for understanding the differences that put one at risk of attachments, while others escape an interaction with the same person, without getting an attachment.

After seeing enough people, and repeatedly removing attachments from the same person, this is what I think I see:

People who want to connect, lean in, emotionally or in actuality, to hear more, to connect more… and that creates the environment in which the attachment can bridge the gap.

This is especially true for jumping attachments.

In my previous article I was looking at the desperate desire to be connected, to fill in the emptiness inside.

As a true empath, I am especially susceptible, even though I don’t feel I lean in, I probably do.

My intention is not from the desire to connect, it is from my work. I need to connect to you to serve you.

I pay a price. I am like a Hoover for jumping attachments, and those with jumping attachments hover, and insist on connecting and connecting again.

If they don’t pay me to remove their attachment, I program my email to automatically delete their emails to me. But even when they do, sometimes it takes a long time and a lot of work to rid them of their attachments.
Continue reading “How do you get an attachment? Why some people get attachments while others don’t?”

Behavioral strategies vs. beingness strategies

dying to be lovedWe all want to be loved. It’s hardwired, because being loved is the surest way to be fed, as a child, get sex as an adult, be promoted or helped as an adult.

Its purpose is survival.

The organism wants to survive, desperately.

We don’t know what that love is, but we want it. And some of us want to earn it. Continue reading “Behavioral strategies vs. beingness strategies”

Can you learn the skill of negotiation? The art?

What is the relationship between skills, learning new skills, and capacities?

All my life I have been puzzled why perfectly normal people fail at even understanding concepts from certain things, like distinctions, from communication, negotiation, empathy, caring, team work, leadership, responsibility… I could fill this page with examples.

I have had my own issues. One of them is understanding instructions if there is even just one word in the instructions I am not exactly clear what it means, or what the writer means, I can’t follow the instructions.

This is probably why, last week, I could not make the first computer I bought work: its one-page instructions sheet was written in a language I did not comprehend, and I didn’t trust myself to spend a year or so to learn those concepts so I can have the computer work.

I had to suspect that people I so confidently talk to, have a similar deficiency: they can’t make what I say work for them, because there are holes in the fabric of knowledge.

Then last year I tried to be helpful to a woman in Ireland (I even published our conversation to zero echo from readers!) by teaching her negotiation skills, empathy, looking at things from the other person’s point of view: methods that are obvious and easy for me. I was sure that other readers will love the article… I was wrong.
Continue reading “Can you learn the skill of negotiation? The art?”

Life skills, capacity, talent, desire, ambition, greed

Life skills, capacity, talent, desire, ambition, greed defined… can you manifest with what you have?

OK… this is the continuation of the WWII article…

In that I talk about Hitler and look at what was the issue that caused him losing the war in Russia… So I am repeating what I said there… Continue reading “Life skills, capacity, talent, desire, ambition, greed”

What I am learning from watching the World War II in color series? Evil? Incompetence?

hitler nazisI am watching the series on Netflix, World War II in color.

I am watching it through the filter, through the glasses of the spiritual capacities encoded in the DNA…

These spiritual capacities enable humanity to live in peace, to grow, to allow individuals to grow, to allow Heaven on Earth.

You need to know some personal stuff about me: I am the child of Holocaust survivors. Out of a big family, only my parents, and three second cousins survived.

But I am also an empath, a true empath, and am interested in causing a world with no wars, no hate, no incompetence. The evolution of the human race… to the level of human being…

These are my unedited notes… written in the midst of the experience… I am sure I’ll regret publishing them… It is hard to stay detached… so I allow myself to root, hate, anger… get involved… Even though I know how it turned out… I watch it like a suspense movie. Very interesting.

My goal is to see something. To teach what I saw. So you can learn from it.
Continue reading “What I am learning from watching the World War II in color series? Evil? Incompetence?”

The Great Equalizer? How do you calculate the value of a tool you buy?

‘Yet here we are, exactly the same!’

The main challenge I face as a change agent, as someone who can effect energetic and DNA changes in a human, is that people look at me as the Great Equalizer.

Finally, you feel, you can beat the Bill Gates’ who got a lot at birth: you get all your capacities opened and be a worthy competition to them.

Nothing is further from reality.

You cannot have anything that you didn’t earn, and that means, earning the capacities that you can keep open.

But the negative double whammy is: if you are from a stock with very few capacities, you probably learned, through observing, a life style, an action stile, and a bunch of attitudes, that show low number of capacities, and a relationship to life that is not powerful, because it is based on scarcity, complaints, blaming, finger-pointing, and a feeling of being a victim of your birth, a victim of your upbringing, a victim of your ethnicity… shortly: a victim.

You actually can’t escape it.

And that is the “chemistry”, that is the environment that is asking for the activation of additional capacities.
Continue reading “The Great Equalizer? How do you calculate the value of a tool you buy?”

My experiment with increasing my Life Force, Part One

As you may have read, I discovered that my Life Force, the capacity to grow, has nearly diminished.

In this article I will report to you my own experience of trying to increase a capacity through working on it. Essentially the same kind of work I am asking you to do.

What is present, by the way, is fear. Intense fear. Fear of failure, fear of finding out that I am full of crap.

Now, you need to know that I have the detached capacity, so I am observing it and feeling it at the same time. What is there between the Observer and the feeling is an attitude of curiosity: the curiosity of a researcher. And maybe the curiosity of a kid looking at a bug, and enjoying saying: Grooooooss.

I also take the Unconditional Love Activator in my water, all day… allowing me to see and love myself with all my failings, all my faults, all my mistakes.

I can see that fear would hold back anyone who doesn’t have the capacity for being detached, standing in their Observer position, where you don’t have to take all your feelings seriously, from where a feeling is not often relevant.
Continue reading “My experiment with increasing my Life Force, Part One”

Your machine: Cycles, patterns, spiritual path

flowers for algernon... loss is more painful than never having itYour machine: Cycles, patterns, spiritual path: Life is a circle of repeating changes, rising and falling like the seasons.

Although all models are wrong, some are useful. This model is useful.

Robert Fritz, author of the book, The Path of Least Resistance, can offer a lot of information on the topic.

Fritz’s oscillating structures is a model and it is useful. Continue reading “Your machine: Cycles, patterns, spiritual path”

The law of cycles

The Law of Cycles… an excerpt from Dan Millman’s book: the life you were meant to live

The world of nature exists within a larger pattern of cycles, such as day and night and the passing of the seasons. The seasons do not push one another: neither do clouds race the wind across the sky; all things happen in good time; everything has a time to rise, and a time to fall. Whatever rises, falls, and whatever falls shall rise again: that is the principle of cycles.

Patience is power: with time and patience, the mulberry leaf becomes silk. CHINESE PROVERB

Different forms of energy vibrate at different rates; like a river, energy flows from a higher to lower levels, moving through repeating cycles, expanding and then contracting, like our breathing.

Since everything in the universe is a form of energy, everything falls within the domain of the Law of Cycles: Sunrise and sunset, the waxing and waning moon, the ebb and flow of the tides, and the seasons of the year all reflect this law. It reminds us there is a time for everything under the sun. All things have a most favorable and a least favorable time; all things rise and fall. A thought or action initiated while this pulsing energy is rising and gaining momentum travels along easily toward its success, but a thought or action initiated in a descending cycle has a reduced impact. When a cycle is not favorable, we wait until it is rising again. There are times for action and times for stillness, times to talk and times to be silent. Few things are more frustrating than doing the right thing at the wrong time.
Continue reading “The law of cycles”