Myopic? Narrow Minded? Stop on the surface? I need two more comments!

Having a child is like causing your own immortality. Your genes live on in your child, and your ego really wants that child to be the best… better than you.

You want to live through your child, and you want it to be glorious, even if your actual life is… hm… shitty?

The child, by the way, considers this an unfair binding… and resents it, wiggles out of it… the child wants to be free, make her own mistakes… have a life that is hers alone.

That is the norm.
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Healthy vs socially unacceptable behaviors…

Negative-healthy-behaviorsThe healthiest behavior is simply for you to be authentic. Be who you are, and don’t pretend to be someone else.

Yet often we avoid our own authentic behaviors thinking they are unhealthy ones. Your own mind and body know what you need. And if you need a reminder why it is important to follow your authentic self, look at these common behaviors which are often considered negative which can actually be healthy.

1. Anger

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Choice is: selecting freely, AFTER consideration.

choose realityChoosing

Choice is: selecting freely, AFTER consideration.

Matsa asks: hmm, it’s puzzling – if you never choose X, didn’t you, in fact, chose Y?

My answer: are you referring to choosing sexual preference? Most people have the choice made for them, societally and biologically…

99.99% of people never actually choose consciously, instead allow something else to choose for them: how they feel, their urges, society, the other, etc.

The best example for choiceless choice is: choosing your mother… choosing your life to be the way your life is. It is weird for people. They resist how it is… but there is no other choice.

Continue reading “Choice is: selecting freely, AFTER consideration.”

Let’s talk about sexual preference

chose to be straightTwice in my life I had a choice to choose being attracted to women… I mean mainly.

The first time the choice was made for me: when the woman found out that I had no history of being attracted to women, she said: “I won’t do that to you.” I was about 22.

The second time I found myself turned on by a woman dancing, and I clearly saw a choice. I saw that I could choose to pursue that, but with that I would choose a life of hiding, a life of not fitting in, a hard life. I chose not to go for it.

As a sex therapist, coach, I talk to a lot of people.

I don’t buy that you are born gay. You are born normal, but are turned at some point.
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Until you know who you are, you are a boat without a rudder

who are you not? what are you not?You don’t know who you are. You lie about it, you make up s-h-i-t, but there is not a you that you consistently are.

Landmark Education (and I think other coaches and companies as well) decided that who you are needs to be invented.

But all this invention, all this creation is on the top of an undifferentiated mess of stuff you don’t want to look at. So, whatever people in Landmark Education invent as themselves doesn’t last long, and has to be repeated, ad nauseum. People need to remind themselves… but that is obvious:

If you know who you are, you don’t need to be reminded of it.

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One surprise side effect of fighting the mite epidemic…

unexpected positive side effectsThere have been a surprise side effect to fighting the mite epidemic: people are able to see if they are conscious or not, if they are awake or not, if they are in their head or not.

Now, that doesn’t seem like much… after all they have to do it, because otherwise the mites kill them, maim them, or just plain make them miserable.

But the truth is a lot simpler and at the same time a lot more complicated: awareness doesn’t care what you are aware of. Awareness, once it there, is aware of a lot more than where it’s directed.

So, people got aware of their attitude, their forcefulness, their moods, their actions, their inner monologue… and, surprise, this sudden awareness, this sudden bringing conscious awareness, consciousness to life, has started to raise people’s vibration.
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Mites, especially spider mites (Morgellons), act much smarter than most humans.

What do most humans do when they are attacked? They sulk, argue, weep, yell, think about it, threaten, that’s what they do.

What do human mites do when they are attacked? They regroup. They get smarter. They do more of what works, and beat the attacker at their own game, by being stronger, smarter, and more capable, by counting on the human’s emotions to come in the way, on them sleepwalking or falling asleep at the wheel of their life.

Do you recognize yourself reacting like a human or reacting like a mite?

Mites have been around for much longer than humans, and will be around much longer than humans, because mites love Life, instead of thinking Life owes them a living, happiness, health, etc.

I am not saying mites don’t get angry, or huffy puffy for the injustices they receive.

They get angry, they may huff and puff, but then they say f… it, and get to work… doing what they need to do to have what they want.Life wants more life… And for mites that means more babies. Spider mites are actually sacrificing themselves for their offspring.

Humans, on the other hand,
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Spells, curses, spell casting, spellworking… WTF?

black_magic_hex_removal_spellIf you read my horror story about Ayahausca, you know that the number of attachments on people were in the 30’s, and the type were spells… killing spells.

Even I got a bunch, because I didn’t cloak myself… Now I do. I got curious about spells… I am an educated woman, and spells belong to the uneducated and imaginative… My opinion strictly. I mean wanting spells, “getting” spells, and such. I am not necessarily talking about the witches, at least not all of them.

Compared to these witches and sorcerers, shamans, and other showy practitioners, I am a lame housewife, a pedestrian… sitting in my underwear by the computer, connect, find and grab the attachment with my hands, and pull until there is no more… No poetry, no drama, no formidable… lol. No magik.
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Bring the divine to everything. I mean everything

Still from Babette's Feast, 1987. Two years ago I ran a big course, it was long, and it was amazing: Activate Divinity.

One of the distinctions in that course was “bringing the divine to everything”.

This is my secret to life: bringing the divine to everything. Living meditatively, instead of meditating. Communing with Source instead of going to “church”, or praying… Continue reading “Bring the divine to everything. I mean everything”

Hangout and other delightful stuff… why does horoscope work?

flying over the rainbow and under the radarHow is this for this week’s horoscope?

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Am I reading the astrological omens correctly? I hope so. From what I can tell, you have been flying under the radar and over the rainbow. You have been exploiting the loopholes in the big bad system and enjoying some rather daring experiments with liberation. At this point in the adventure, you may be worried that your lucky streak can’t continue much longer. I’m here to tell you that it can. It will. It must. I predict that your detail-loving intelligence will paradoxically guide you to expand your possibilities even further.

And how is it possible that it would be the perfect time the perfect answer to me?

Anyway, I just wanted to share with you yet another thing that makes no sense, and yet it’s happening… like attachments, seeing mites, like guidance, like everything I have been dealing with the past 5 years or so.

On a different note: I got a great idea from Roy Williams yesterday… here is his Monday Morning Memo:
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