Take away from longevity studies regardless your age

Ever since I discovered that I can measure numbers about health, the health of different organs, and even biological age, I have been interested in listening to anti-aging, longevity “experts”.

I admit, my grasp, my understanding is sketchy at best, and yet some of the health measurement numbers and my knowledge about the person they belong to start making more sense, than not.

So I am going to share with you, here, some of the valid insights I have gained. I say valid because I muscletest and Source says “true” “not true” “truth value” Continue reading “Take away from longevity studies regardless your age”

Longevity, extend your life… a sexy topic for most, a must for me

agingI am noticing that longevity is attracting a lot of “clicks” on Youtube.

As I was looking for pictures, I found another dude, British, long beard… Aubrey de Grey… who approaches aging more the way we do here… so I’ll show his TED talk he gave in my favorite city, Budapest, Hungary, where I was born.

He looks at aging as a side effect of living, and his approach to longevity is to work with the side effects, and one by one beat them.

It’s going to take a lot of medication, and hoopla… before this can even be working on humans… but the idea is sound, so here is his TED talk. (Truth value: 20%)

You’ll see, that there is this other approach… focusing on extending. This one has one sound idea: stressing the system so it needs Consciousness to wake up. Continue reading “Longevity, extend your life… a sexy topic for most, a must for me”

Will reversing aging make your life better?

Balding, graying hair, thinning hair, brittle hair, lifeless hair… ugh, limp hair, limp d1ck…

All signs, supposedly, of aging, but what if aging is really a loss of something that is there in abundance, and then life, living, the way you eat, the way you spend your time, the way you think, feel, enjoy or not…

I remember, back in Hungary, a whole different world, at least when I was young, there was a lot of talk about psychosomatic illnesses…

That is to say: it is all in your head… The way you use your brain, the way your brain uses you.

I already know a whole lot about how we are making ourselves miserable, a loser, a never do well, a dumb sh*t… but it seems that I knew a lot less than there is to know. Continue reading “Will reversing aging make your life better?”

How old is your body? Your biological age…

I had my usual Sunday call today… and the issue of how old is your body came up. My friend’s body is 90 years old… and though I am only four or five yours younger, my body checks as a 50 year old…

As I have shared before, some time in the beginning of August I realized that I was dying.

It had been a process that started a year earlier… with some dramatic happenings, including falling and breaking my left arm. It wasn’t the cause: it was a symptom. And by this August the future was obvious: I had a short time to live, with very restricted movement…

I have no health insurance, I trust in no doctors, I have no savings, I have no family to bail me out.

I had a choice to make: to live or not to live.
Continue reading “How old is your body? Your biological age…”