4 daily tasks… a revolutionary tool to happiness

4 daily tasks: the future given present4 daily tasks: not what you need to do. instead what you see you can do for a future you decided to have.

In my case the future: being able to pick up and move countries without loss of productivity, loss of health, loss of income, loss of standard of living. Having an apartment, food, transportation, internet connection, mobile phone… the important things.

The four daily tasks are really a very useful tool.

An aside: what is a task? Anything that you can do in one sitting, not long enough even to have to get up to go to the bathroom. Even writing an article is a project that is made up of several tasks… idea, outlining, writing, editing, title, publishing. It may include even researching… Continue reading “4 daily tasks… a revolutionary tool to happiness”

Are you managing time, energy or results? how is it going?

getting things done. become a producer We all have the same amount of time, 24 hours a day, and yet some people get more stuff done in that time than others. Getting things done makes you a producer… and that is a superpower.

People with more accomplishments have a secret. I am going to share this secret with you.

I had this secret, but truth be told, it was a secret hidden from me too until about an hour ago. Continue reading “Are you managing time, energy or results? how is it going?”