Only failures, only mistakes teach you anything useful

I have been leading a webinar for quite a while, and it has always been brilliant, both to participate in and to lead.

It has always delivered on the promise:

  1. show you what’s missing in an area of life, something that you can do something about so you can get unstuck and have that area of life be a lot better… and consequently all of your life.
  2. Effect you so strong that it would get you, or a lot of you, finally get off your ass, and into action.

It’s worked for years… and this past weekend it didn’t.

I have now spent hours looking, and finally I see it. I see what happened. I see what I did differently. I missed the most important job of the workshop… Continue reading “Only failures, only mistakes teach you anything useful”

What is the spiritual work I did to raise my vibration? You can do it too…

building-resiliency-raise-your-vibrationPeople ask: what is the spiritual practice, the spiritual work that allowed me to climb up to the skinny branches of the Tree of Life, and allowed so many spiritual capacities to turn on? To raise my vibration…

All these years I’ve been asked, and all these years I didn’t know what to answer. I didn’t know what to suggest that you do, that I did, until this morning.

This morning, while and after I was leading the workshop “What’s missing” I realized something profound:

Life is not set up to challenge you to turn on new capacities. The box you live in has no room for new capacities, and offers no challenges.

So how are you going to grow?

You can learn to swim by being thrown to the deep end of the pool, and it’s life or death… sink or swim. Not a pleasant experience, and will probably scare you away from swimming again, for life.

This is when the need for a new capacity is thrown at you. You are unprepared, and you are not at your best… because of fear. Incoherent, and reactive.

It is too late to dig a well when you are thirsty… and it is too late to summon empathy, or courage, or resiliency, or other capacities when you need it, unless you already have it.

This is how it works with capacities.
Continue reading “What is the spiritual work I did to raise my vibration? You can do it too…”

Do you have a keyhole size view of the world?

chess helps you get more ram for your brainHow many pieces of information can you play with in your brain? Do you have a keyhole view of the world?

What is real thinking, as opposed to having thoughts, or recalling what someone said someplace?

I have been pondering.

My method for pondering is this: I play Freecell, so I am tied to my computer, so I must be sitting. My hands are busy, my eyes are busy, even my mind is busy.

The part of me that does thinking, on the other hand, is free. Free to do, what I call thinking or pondering.

I read a lot, and oftentimes I muscletest if it is true, but some things, moral, ethical, real spiritual things I like to see for myself.

Osho says somewhere that the understanding man doesn’t think, because the understanding man sees.

It is easy to see that if the thing to see is outside, you don’t have to think, you see. Red is red, and blue is blue. You see it.

But when the thing is inside, you need to set it up to see. So the understanding man can set up structures in their brain to look at. You need to use your random access memory (RAM), the instant memory function of the brain, to set up what you want to see.
Continue reading “Do you have a keyhole size view of the world?”

It’s in your DNA… but it’s not working. But why?

livingstonYou’ll get the most out of this article, if you map it on yourself, on your life… Everything I write about you can find in your own life, in one form or another.

On Tuesdays I do my grocery shopping. Oftentimes I buy something chocolate, not a whole lot, a few bites I can finish before I get home. Other times I buy more…

I always know I did something really stupid within a few hours… Sugar doesn’t agree with me. Continue reading “It’s in your DNA… but it’s not working. But why?”

Are you disconnected from All-of-it and beg for knowledge from others?

inner-lightOne of the horrible costs of living in your mind, trusting your mind, going for Tree of Knowledge, is that you cut yourself off from your inner knower… and hand your life and destiny over to people who are not your friends, who are not on your side, who have their own agenda in saying anything.

I am observing the few high capacity producers in my circle, and this is one of the big difference between you and them: they may take hints… but then they do their own thinking, their own process.

The missing capacity, self-trust, or as Dan Millman calls it Faith, of course needs to be based on other capacities: cannot stand alone. And you also need to build some reality to it, some solid foundation. That is why you don’t have it: you life has been, and likely will be a life of turning to other people for all your thinking.

This is Dan Millman’s “article” from the book “The Life You Were Born To Live”. He knows a lot, sees, a lot, and doesn’t know and doesn’t see a lot more. But the article may awaken the desire in you to be your own person…

The Law of Faith

Continue reading “Are you disconnected from All-of-it and beg for knowledge from others?”

Starting to see the path, and maybe even the steps needed

the fog that covers the path, the process is liftingI am starting to see that this missing capacity: the capacity to see a process 1 , design a process, to have a strategy, is what’s missing to take me out of the one woman band existence.

  • You can’t delegate unless you know what someone needs to do and how it fits into your process or overall strategy.
  • You can’t have a staff… for the same reason. You can’t lead… because you don’t know where you are going.
  • Not having this capacity means duplicate work, work that wasn’t needed was done, work that was needed wasn’t done…

Continue reading “Starting to see the path, and maybe even the steps needed”

Is Sophie a fake? Can she activate a DNA capacity for…

dyslexia makes you look stupidIs Sophie a fake? Can she activate a DNA capacity for herself? A capacity she obviously never had?

I have been re-reading Dan Millman’s The Life You Were Born To Live.

I don’t know why I am reading it, but here is what I have found that is worth mentioning:

  1. What used to be too much English is suddenly clear, concise, and applicable. The text didn’t change, I did. Obviously I am playing with a fuller deck…
  2. I get, again and again reminded of my Achilles heel: I have a missing capacity that is probably responsible for many of my failures, and all of my no successes.

Continue reading “Is Sophie a fake? Can she activate a DNA capacity for…”

DNA capacity activation webinar insights to share

destination-vs-directionEvery time I do something new, I hate it and learn something new.

We had the webinar where I activated self-trust and humility for people who were on the call… subscribers to my mailing list only.

They were also students and customers… no surprises here.

There have been a few surprises, that I’d like to share:

  1. one needs trust in others to allow me to “do them” on a public call…
  2. depending on the level of trust, a person can get a capacity activated even if it is not directed specifically at them
  3. people with the least amount of trust are the most fickle: they try anything and then get all messed up: full of attachments from their escapades.
    Continue reading “DNA capacity activation webinar insights to share”

The distinction between behavior and ability… doing and being

self-trustA new student of mine writes:

I think self trust is a big challenge for me, and building self trust is necessary as a foundation before I can trust others and build authentic relationships. I gain self trust by genuinely provide value and service to others. There is no short cut in gaining self trust and trust from others, and I need to build my skills and deliver my value solidly step by step, like building from the ground up to a skyscraper.

In my current choice in career path between the two opportunities, the important thing to consider is not what job it is, but rather which job allows me to use my skills to provide value to others in a solid way. I want to start afresh on a solid ground by being genuine in what I can contribute, and no more pretending that I like it or I am capable of doing the job while I don’t know what exactly I am doing.

I muscletest if he has the ability for self-trust active, and the answer is “no”.

His entire speech is a true reflection of our culture that ignores capacities.

Why? Because we live in a society that denies DNA differences between people, let they’d call you racist… but accepts and validates fight, killing, war, between religious beliefs, between different political parties… what a world we live in.
Continue reading “The distinction between behavior and ability… doing and being”

Make your new DNA activated capacity work for you

Unconscious Incompetence: the missing item

Like knowledge, capacities are either conscious or not.

When a knowledge, a skill, a capacity is conscious, you know to reach for it when it would be useful. It is like you know you have a Phillips screwdriver… and you reach for it.

But if you have, as far as you are concerned, never had a Phillips screwdriver, you have to substitute other methods to screw in a screw. Imperfect tools for an imperfect result. Or you can give up. Or as most do, get a big hammer. lol. Makes sense so far?

To reach for what is not conscious, a skill, a capacity you have… It won’t be not automatic, because you didn’t know you had it.

When I activate a formerly inactive DNA capacity, when I switch it on, you still don’t know you have it. You paid for it, but you don’t know what got activated. In its absence you only see that life is not quite working in a certain arena. Just like the natives supposedly saw the ripples in the water around the Santa Maria, but could not see the ships. Seeing something they had never seen, a ship with sails, was a missing capacity for them.

A missing capacity is like the missing item, in the missing item exercise I have written about. Continue reading “Make your new DNA activated capacity work for you”