Are you teachable?

you must become teachableI help people become the person who can have what they want to have. Will I be able to help you?

This is really the bottom line promise I have for you. But like every promise, it is conditional. Conditional on you… on you being teachable. Continue reading “Are you teachable?”

Meme vs. a personal belief. Can you change either?

climbing the tree of lifeMoney, happiness, health… are they unattainable to you?

Meme is a cultural/shared belief. vs. a personal belief… let me enlighten you about the differences.

In the Starting Point Measurements, #11 To what degree you think of yourself is a crucial indicator. We call it your about-me score.

#11 indicates to what degree you can tell if something is yours or not yours. If that something is about you or not about you.

The meme that everything is personal is strengthened by the so-called spiritual teachers, who will help you get rid of your money beliefs, or love beliefs, or food/body beliefs?

By saying these beliefs are personal, they are on the side of the conspiracy, the memes, not on your side.

By saying these are subconscious beliefs, YOUR beliefs, and that you can beat them… like Mind Movies peddler Natalie Ledwell suggests that you can, they use these memes to line their pockets and empty yours.

Even the theory of famed psychiatrist, Carl Jung, who calls it “the collective subconscious” is flawed. Continue reading “Meme vs. a personal belief. Can you change either?”

The bottom of the iceberg, the One Ring that controls all

I had an impromptu (unplanned) conversation with a long time client yesterday. Unfortunately my recorder decided to run out of battery… so I didn’t record it.

This woman is one example of the perfect client for me.

So what is a perfect client? A perfect client is one who is able and willing to do what they need to do to fulfill on my promise to them.

My aim is to take you to a place where you are able to be well and stay well, make money and keep on making money, and feel good about yourself and keep feeling good about yourself

Joel Salatin said: ‘I don’t mind carrying a man, but I don’t want them dragging their feet!’
Continue reading “The bottom of the iceberg, the One Ring that controls all”

The spirit only wants that there be flying

I am sitting here, working… but my mind wanders to the movie August Rush.

I hear the Catholic church’s call for whatever they do at 6 pm… and today I hum with it, I hear it as music. And I remember that I used to hear it as noise.

This brings me to August Rush.

I think, most likely it’s a corny movie. And yet, it is one of the movies I go back to with regularity. And weep.

And I just got what about that movie, August Rush is talking to me. Continue reading “The spirit only wants that there be flying”

People don’t care how much you know until…

People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care

As you know, I am a mad scientist. Mad, because I test things other people wouldn’t. Scientist because I talk, then test, then share it.

In thousands of experiments I have developed a sixth sense. What you would call the truth sensing ability.

It is a feeling that only develops after knowing a lot…

I am exposed to a lot of books, a lot of information, and this sixth sense has helped me to read only what has the kind of truth in it that is actually useful for me and my clients. Continue reading “People don’t care how much you know until…”

What is your Self, your Dharma? Can you find it?

I have been doing a lot of work while I seemingly do nothing… or not much.

Something is driving me…

I used to say it this way: “I can do no other”… Continue reading “What is your Self, your Dharma? Can you find it?”

31 quotes that will give you chills…

I found these quotes and I found that it is a remarkable collection… Please share. Thank you.
Continue reading “31 quotes that will give you chills…”