We and energies. We and love. We and a life you can love


As I wrote in yesterday’s article, we is not part of human culture.

In my interaction with clients I am starting to distinguish that there are two dimensions of ‘we’, just like there are two dimensions of ‘love’.

We all want to be included, we all want to be loved. That is the one side, the one dimension of either.

The other dimensions is us including, us loving. The level of that, in the current humanity, is 0%. In the 1000, it is 30%. My level is 70%.

Does wanting to give, giving, making a difference count on that level? Continue reading “We and energies. We and love. We and a life you can love”

You need to have it! or what keeps you flat on your arse

needinessDarn, these power outages… I lost a whole article I didn’t name, didn’t save. It was a stream of consciousness…. then oops, the power went out… and with it the article disappeared as if it never existed.

And now the inspiration is gone as well… let me see if I can re-generate it.

OK here you go: I noticed that occasionally, when I play Freecell, I have a phenomenon that deserves being talked about, analyzing, and see what it’s all about.

I play Freecell when I need to puzzle something out, when I need to pay attention to a movie, a video, an audio, your partner calls… so I play a lot of Freecell. It keeps me sitting, lol, and it keeps my attention on you. Continue reading “You need to have it! or what keeps you flat on your arse”

Cults proliferate in the “we generation” periods…

I go shopping for food once every two weeks. I have a shopping list of 15 items, of which 10 are there every time… never changing.

But every time I shop I sneak in something different, eat it and get sick for a day or two or three. That is my indulgence for that two week period.

It makes me feel free.

I am from Hungary. I like spicy sausage. There is a famous sausage in Hungary, Gyulai kolbász. Chorizo is similar, but not the same. So I have been buying that or Andouille sausage made by Dartagnan.

Obviously the sausage is made of pork meat and pork fat.

I am Jewish.

So today I asked the question:

Why am I allowed to eat pork? Isn’t the Bible an accurate prescription for health?

I know, I know… but this question opened a veritable can of worms.
Continue reading “Cults proliferate in the “we generation” periods…”