Filters… or where are you listening from?

Where does the truth I say come from? Stream of consciousness.

I write the largest chunks of surprising truths that way. Something triggers it, and there it comes. Quick, let me get to the computer!

I read Kathryn’s comment on the Worry article, and something clicked.

Everyone says: you need to remove your filters. You need to remove blockages. Bad beliefs, about yourself and the world. But commanding to remove bad beliefs is not working. Not for anyone… OK, maybe for a few.

What if the reason no one is succeeding with those ‘techniques’ is because that is not the right method to do it?

eyejusterIf you have myopia, you put on corrective lenses. You don’t remove your cornea.

As I was searching for images for this article, I found a lot of stuff I have never dreamed of. I found corrective lenses for dyslexia, corrective lenses for color blindness, and adjustable lenses for those that can’t afford to go to an optometrist. And although your physical eyes may be good, who knows, right? your mental glasses distort reality, and everybody is with you in that.

What if the work we do, is finding the way to clear vision, create clarity. And we are really just creating a set of corrective lenses?
  • When anyone asked for a cup of coffee, I would oblige, only to find out that coffee was code, like a foot in the door.
  • When I found out that using ‘I love you’ meant the other person wanted you to do more for them, in spite of their abuse,
  • Or when Kathryn found out (in the Playground session) that doing only actions that have a high success rate
corrective-lens-for-color-blindness…Seeing that, seeing the wrong belief, gives us the exact shape of the corrective lens…

We have a chance to craft a filter that is a corrective lens to some wrong belief, some false belief, a belief that creates an ugly life.

What if winning isn’t important to any part of you other than your ego?

Yesterday we had a wicked hard Playground. The topic was innocent. We looked into ‘Being Liked’.


But what we found out is the false beliefs, the rot, the price, the whorish behavior… how we  ultimately end up with no like, no money, no success, no self-love, no self-esteem. (If you want to know much more, or exactly what happened, click here)

RasterbrilleOnly when you can see the exact distortion of a current filter can you craft the exact corrective filter that will neutralize the distortion.

Your brain (not your mind!) listens to the conversation. You ponder it, you observe it, you test out some theories, and the brain manufactures the corrective lens for the distortion: ‘it is important to be being liked at all cost’.

Of course you have to use your new lens… otherwise you are still left with the old view.

I got my first glasses when I was 9, and for years I pretended that I forgot my glasses at home. Why? here is a filter: because it is not cool for a girl to wear glasses. (?) But eventually the smart brain won out, and I said: I am more important than whether others find me cool, pretty, or anything. F… that!

So, what did you found out for yourself in this article? I bet you can’t figure it out, because you read it like you read the news… no relevance to you.

Let me re-iterate it for you.

before-and-after-rosesYou can’t correct anything, a wrong belief, without first distinguishing, without first facing it.

It takes time, it takes courage, it takes diligence. And it takes guidance from someone whose view doesn’t have a distortion. Someone who has access to the reality view, like me.

Mind you, in some areas I probably have my own distorting filters, but not all.

The Avatar State audios are the view or reality without distortion. All of them.

But even with the correct view playing in the background, in order to craft corrective lenses, you need to know what is the distortion. What is the ugly, the abominable, the disgusting, the ‘not pretty’ that is there now.

Dreams, nightmares even, are one access to the filters that make life ugly


I have had a recurring dream for about 10 years now. In the dream I am an architect, incompetent, sluggish, no idea what to do and how to do it. I am paid, but I just go from one room to the next, have lunch with people, because I need to avoid being found out.

For a short period of time I felt the way the dream says. I was fish out of water, a fish forced to climb a tree to be called good.

vision-imporvewdisThe distortion (filter) was that I was supposed to be good at everything…

But the truth is that you are good at some things and not so good at others.

If you play to your strengths, you can grow. If you try to fix the lack of abilities instead, you won’t grow.

I need to be able to speak or write, that is my method to understand anything. Architecture wasn’t a good fit for me.

Doing architecture on my own: not fun. I was incompetent. I was bad…

Hm. I can feel that my brain is manufacturing the filter, the corrective filter.

Use what is going for you, and don’t worry about the others: plenty of people can do other things you can’t. Some can even do them well.

Big sigh. Tears… a few drops. Relief. Gratitude. I feel as the tension is leaving my body.

I am sure I won’t have THAT recurring nightmare again.

Author: Sophie Benshitta Maven

True empath, award winning architect, magazine publisher, transformational and spiritual coach and teacher, self declared Avatar

One thought on “Filters… or where are you listening from?”

  1. You finally nailed it. You are channeling the collective stream of consciousness (source). The full totally of source. Which is, unfortunately the most polluted way to get information through a human body channel through muscle testing. They’re not surprising truths. They surprise you. Because you are streaming through your body. You can’t stream source energy this way. List some testimonials somewhere I’d love to hear from someone you’ve helped.

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