What is my vibration? How to tell without muscletesting

 or The unexamined life is not worth living

In this article I will give you a few pointers for an examined life… because an examined life is a high vibration life.

Your vibration cannot be higher than the vibration of your life.

Let’s start with three exercises: I have done them myself this morning… As you will see, these exercises will successfully start you on the path of raising the vibration of your life… to an examined life

  • The unexamined life is not worth livingExercise One:

What is the most appalling character flaw that you see in others, whether they are people around you, or people you observe from afar, or maybe in a book or movie?For me it is disloyalty. I see it in movies, in books. For me it seems, that another word to use for disloyalty is being two-faced. Being nice, agreeable face to face, but frowning when you turn your face, and maybe even say things about the person when they can’t hear you.Reflect for a minute or two, scan your memory banks for the most despicable character flaw you can find, and write it down for yourself.

  • Exercise Two:

If suddenly you had all the resources to buy everything you want and to help others as much as you want, eradicate hunger, cure cancer, mandate every person’s right for a livelihood…When you are done with that, and you sit down for a moment’s of reflections: how would you feel about yourself?Powerful? Omnipotent? Generous? Magnanimous? Intelligent? Genuine? A winner?I did this exercise some 30 years ago, and I remember I felt free.Sit in a quiet corner for a minute or two reflection, imagine all the money, all the stuff, all the happy people, and feel yourself.

What’s there? Find it, put it into words, and write it down.

  • The unexamined life is not worth livingExercise Three:

What are the predictable moments in a movie, in a book, a poster, a quote? The moments when you can count on yourself to choke up, cry, and have that chest gripping dull pain we all know so well? For me it’s generosity of spirit.  A version of goodness, acceptance, allowing the other to be exactly the way they are. Allowing and not making them wrong for it. It both stuns me and makes me choke up. For this, you may have to spend a little more time. But give yourself time, because an examined life is not really examined until you find this third piece as well.

If you want, you can share your findings in the comments section. If you share all three, I may invite you to a call as a thank you gift. Invite you… not force you, lol.

Living a rewarding, examined life is one sign of high vibration.

Doing these exercises will not necessarily raise your vibration, unless you really learn something about yourself.

In the next article I’ll tell you how to interpret your findings about yourself. It will become a huge step towards an examined life and towards raising your vibration.

Don’t miss this simple exercise. Life doesn’t offer second chances.

Author: Sophie Benshitta Maven

True empath, award winning architect, magazine publisher, transformational and spiritual coach and teacher, self declared Avatar

20 thoughts on “What is my vibration? How to tell without muscletesting”

  1. Exercises for an Examined Life

    Exercise 1. The most appalling character flaw that I see in others is nepotism/favoritism towards people who are incompetent.

    Exercise 2. If I had all the resources to buy everything I wanted and to help others as much as I wanted, I would feel like I had an impact on things that are for the benefit of others and myself – the size of a ripple from a boulder being dropped in a lake instead of a pebble.

    Exercise 3. The predictable moments in a movie, book, poster or quote when I choke up is when a connection is lost between two beings who care deeply about each other.

  2. After some more thought on exercise two: To be able to share and relieve people of all their woes, I would feel alive and abundant, peace and contentment I had been given the opportunity to share my value.

  3. One: Premeditated actions causing distress and harm to others.
    Two: Fulfilment for having contributed to the world
    leaving it a better place than I found it.
    Three: When someone says they are sorry for hanging on to hard held feelings

  4. The most despicible character flaw I find in others is being judgemental and close minded.

    The feeling I get in exercise 2, is releif, freedom from worry.

    My movie moments are usually triumph over obstacles that I relate with and have, or have yet to overcome.

  5. Ok, here we go:

    1) I’m not a 100% clear as to whether or not you wanted us to give you the most appalling character flaw we see in others or ourselves. So, I’ll answer both: In others-it’s condescension, which as I look, I ‘m seeing condescension in me; In myself- stinginess, maybe just ahead of arrogance.

    2) The feeling I get after having bought, experienced, and contributed all that I wanted to is one of immense gratification. I’m in awe when I think of all the achievements that will have a major impact on the lives of so many others.

    3) The predictable moments in a movie, when I can count on myself to choke up or cry are: when a child does everything he/she can to make his/her parents proud, or approving;

    when someone gives up what’s most important to them as a sacrifice for another;

    when good people have to suffer or die due to some unfair circumstances; and lastly,

    when someone shows unyielding courage in the face of extreme odds.

    As you can see, I have some serious contemplation to do. Boy Oh boy. Thank you

  6. One: The most appalling character flaw, Selfishness.

    Two: I would feel humbled (at having been able to be of such service.)…and delighted, too….filled with joy.

    Three: Moments of grace/forgiveness/redemption.

  7. One: The most appalling flaw, Meanness. An un-respectful speaking to others just to get a point across because you think you are right. I learned this the hard way I see how I have paid.

    Two. I would be riddled with self-doubt and insecurity as though something was missing. Did I do right thing for others. Did I ask the right questions? Did I honour, appreciate respect the other.

    Three: a moment that chokes me up is that point of self discovery where the character sees how her/his action and words have created their life and the choice then too either learn, embrace, accept and grow or not accept and go down a dark path of their own making.

  8. The most despicable characteristic is selfishness– a life centered around the self, completely unaware of others and uncaring. A life that holds attention only towards their inner circle and disregards the whole.

    If I had all of the resources in the world, I would feel a large, free, powerful, generous, and overflowing. I would feel abundant and filled with joy.

    The moments that hit me the hardest–the most poignant, are ones that affirm human connection through unconditional love.
    A love that is sacrificing, selfless. Love of those who have always been there for you, perhaps you hadn’t noticed it before: your parents, siblings, close friends, and mentors.

  9. In Exercise One, my choice for the most appalling despicable trait are people who hide behind fake identities to write nasty things about people they envy, out of the idea that it will ‘teach them a lesson’ or ‘bring them down’.

    In Exercise Two, the thought of helping people meet all their needs would make me feel ‘filled’ and complete.

    In Exercise Three, I get teary when I read or see movies about people who are saying goodbye to their loved ones.

  10. I would feel ‘satisfied’ in exercise two. I would feel happy, too. That’s my gut feeling. I’m going to think on the other two tough ones.. Thanks, Sophie.

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