What is the Self? Is it the same as the ego? Or the witness? or the Soul?

Here is my horoscope for this week…

Enlarge the Self

This may be the best week in a long time to practice the art of crazy wisdom. And what is crazy wisdom? Here’s how novelist Tom Robbins described it to *Shambhala Sun*: It’s “a philosophical worldview that recommends swimming against the tide, cheerfully seizing the short end of the stick, embracing insecurity, honoring paradox, courting the unexpected, celebrating the unfamiliar, shunning orthodoxy, volunteering for tasks nobody else wants or dares to do, and breaking taboos in order to destroy their power. It’s the wisdom of those who turn the tables on despair by lampooning it, and who neither seek authority nor submit to it.” And why should you do any of that weird stuff? Robbins: “To enlarge the soul, light up the brain, and liberate the spirit.”

and here is a video:

In another article I will tell you what is MY experience of the self, how I use it, and that will be, for me, 100% Tree of Life… But both the video and the horoscope are interesting, although not quite accurate.

The next article is going to explain why finding your self is the most important thing you’ll ever do… Stay tuned.
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Author: Sophie Benshitta Maven

True empath, award winning architect, magazine publisher, transformational and spiritual coach and teacher, self declared Avatar