Models of reality: which one is true?


Reality is vast, vast beyond human comprehension.

The human brain may be vast, the human consciousness may be vast, but neither of them compares to the vastness of reality.

So no matter how much human consciousness grows, it will never be able to grasp all of reality.

It’s OK… it is just what is so.

Human consciousness, in its ambition, in its desire to comprehend reality, to reduce the risk that life is, to make life predictable and manageable, has been using models of reality: a model is a tool to simplify something complicated, and to make it comprehensible through generalization, imagination.

a model is a tool to simplify something complicated, to make it comprehensible through generalization, simplification, and imagination



Reality is vast, incomprehensibly vast.

The human brain may be vast, the human consciousness may be vast, but neither of them compares to the vastness of reality.

So no matter how much human consciousness grows, it will never be able to grasp all of reality.

It’s OK… it is just what is so.

Human consciousness, in its ambition, in its desire to comprehend reality, to reduce the risk that life is, to make life predictable and manageable, has been using models of reality: a model is a tool to simplify something complicated, and to make it comprehensible through generalization, imagination.

a model is a tool to simplify something complicated, to make it comprehensible through generalization, simplification, and imagination



How-to-Make-a-Model-of-the-Solar-System2A map is a model of reality: it is accurate to the degree that a two-dimensional, reduced size paper can be accurate: it is a picture frozen in time of an aspect of reality.

3-dimensional models of atoms, the bone structure of a human (skeleton), stuffed animals are all models.

There are other models, like the Greek Mythology that tries to make sense of the world through the lives and battles of superhuman gods…

All religions, Kabbalah, all mythologies, all fairy tales are models of reality. Medicine is a model of reality.

Theta healing guru’s take on the “planes of existence” is a model of reality.

David Hawkins’ Map of Consciousness is a model of reality.

History, what we teach and changes as the ruling class changes, is a model of reality.

They all say: this is how it is… and they are certain that they are right… because they base their lives and their teachings on that particular model.

The stakes are high. All models are brittle, and all models are just models… inaccurate, incomplete, an indication that the level consciousness that created it is a midget compared to the vastness to all-of-it… what it tries to approximate.

But of course, humans are quite stupid: their relationship to life is that a map is the thing itself. That the description of a thing is the thing itself.

But the name of the food isn’t the food, talking about sex isn’t, talking about flying isn’t.

When you allow the model to replace reality in your consciousness, then you are considered no longer in the game of raising consciousness, you are now a zombie.

Religion will do that to you. Public education will do that to you. You reading the media, or listening to gurus will do that to you.

When your picture/model of the world becomes fixed, your effort will be to protect it, even if what it gives you is a life of quiet desperation, misery, ineffectiveness, illness, and poverty.

Vibration, raising your vibration, low-high vibration is a model of reality, a tool to comprehend aspects of reality that are quite difficult to comprehend

My job is to break up the calcified views that stop you from growing… not a very popular activity, and I am not a very popular person.

I get attacked by all sides, gurus and disciples equally attack me.

The saving grace is that I don’t take it personally even if it is meant to me personally. I see the level of consciousness, the model of reality that gives the attack, and I don’t have to react: it is not able to do major damage to my person, because I don’t resist any of it.

In my model of reality I don’t have to defend myself, I don’t have to protect myself. For me it is much like being called a Zebra… obviously a mistake.

No matter what level of consciousness you are, you can only approach reality through a model. My model of reality changes, subtly, every day, because I don’t believe anything I say… lol.

Today I am re-publishing a few early articles from three years ago… I am amazed how much my views of reality have changed. I am very proud of that…

Author: Sophie Benshitta Maven

True empath, award winning architect, magazine publisher, transformational and spiritual coach and teacher, self declared Avatar

2 thoughts on “Models of reality: which one is true?”

  1. Interesting and comprehensive, but you ought to research, and report on, the influence of diet on behaviour, consciousness, society , economy and habitat (our environments).

    The chemicals in animal tissue influence behaviour and thinking as surely as drugs: e.g., fears of cow adrenaline, pecking order in chickens. That’s why herbivore food is recommended through the ages for consciousness and health, why Einstein (and many others) became herbivore.

    Dietary rules came from when people were few and nature plenty. Now the roles are reversed: people are plenty and nature is in reverse. Time for new rules, another model.

    Humans are not Apex Predators. It was an understandable phase. Many things have been banned to create viable community, such as duels, marrying relatives, theft, drunk driving, etc. People will add consuming genetic kin, as it is not necessary and has horrendous effects.

    If predators are so great, why do herbivores still exist? Humanity can grow to trillions in the Space Age, so why still eat like troglodytes? It needs new laws: Ahimsa Laws.

    Like anti-slavery laws it will take time, but eventually succeeds.

  2. I’m seeing that I’m in an almost constant struggle to try to make things be not what they are, to try to make them other than what they are. Each time I read this article, it knocks me out of that struggle, knocks me out of being in my mind. Thank you Sophie.

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