Homo sapiens, homo victimus, human being…

There is an interesting human trait: when something doesn’t go as we expect it, we first, and some of us forever, blame something or someone else, other than own that we did it ourselves.We could say that this humanity, this version of humanity could be safely called ‘homo victimus’ more accurately than be called homo … Continue reading “Homo sapiens, homo victimus, human being…”

You hate your job? It is boring? It’s not exciting?

You hate your job? It is boring? It doesn’t make a difference? You are not good at it? It just pays the bills but no fulfillment?George Bernard Shaw wrote more than a hundred years ago:

How to turn yourself from a guppy into a majestic dolphin?

Trying to be funny? This is one of my sore spots watching movies or interacting with people in life…I hate people when they are trying… trying to please me, trying to prove that they love me, trying to prove that they are already OK… They are trying my patience!Rant finished… but I do want to … Continue reading “How to turn yourself from a guppy into a majestic dolphin?”

Equality: All men are created equal… true or false?

All men are created equal. That is the design. Whether you are a Bible reader, where The Book of Genesis says that when God created the world, God created humanity ‘in the Divine Image.’ or you look at the DNA and see that all humans have essentially the same DNA… we are equal, but some … Continue reading “Equality: All men are created equal… true or false?”

Your worldview is holding you back. But what is it?

Your worldview is holding you backFirst off: what is worldview? Worldview is how you see things, a set of lenses a set of assumptions that are invisible to you. It is a particular philosophy of life or concept of the world. Maybe even an ideology.Religion is a worldview.Democracy is also a worldviewFascism is also a … Continue reading “Your worldview is holding you back. But what is it?”

How to tell the difference between thing-ness and beingness

How to tell the difference between thing-ness and beingness… i.e. are you treating another a person or a thing?I learned, maybe re-learned something from my an email I got from someone who is taking ‘becoming a person’ very seriously… thank god.He got that only through ‘granting’ personness to another makes you a person. That really … Continue reading “How to tell the difference between thing-ness and beingness”

Am I the cocoon stopping the butterfly from flying?

Shall I be a nudnik? One of my coaches has been… urging us to consider that there are only 87 days left from the year… as if I should care…When I muscletest, Source says that I am a little bit of a nudnik. Really? F…Nudnik, ugh… that doesn’t sound good, does it? The word somehow … Continue reading “Am I the cocoon stopping the butterfly from flying?”

If you saw that, your life would change to the better?

One sign of low intelligence  is thinking that you see everything that is relevant.And when someone shows you something new: that doesn’t change your thinking… you think: now I really see everything. I even catch this last one myself… although not as frequently as I used to…from Quora: Most low IQ people tend to almost … Continue reading “If you saw that, your life would change to the better?”

Does Your Life Lack Meaning? Purpose? Organizing Principle?

According to some statistics, 30% of humanity lack meaning in their lives.I think that this statistics is off by a lot. It’s more like 91%… according to Source.