If your life is manageable, you can’t and won’t grow

The first step in AA, Alcoholics Anonymous says: We admitted that we were powerless over alcohol––that our lives had become unmanageable.

Whether you know it or not, that is the most important of all the steps. And of life… Continue reading “If your life is manageable, you can’t and won’t grow”

How to fight the rise of evil, how to be untouched by it?

evil is risingThe rise of evil and what to do about it?

A student of mine sent me a link to a youtube video.

I put aside ego and watched it. The video was eye-opening.

It showed how someone’s worldview, value system can be shifted rapidly… within a few months or years. And how dangerous that is. Continue reading “How to fight the rise of evil, how to be untouched by it?”

Reality? Collective hunch at best… at the very best

late to the party realityOne person who I often trust sent me an email with a link to a video. Must watch, he said.

I watched, so far, an hour and 20 minutes… I rarely can tolerate anything longer.

Then I read the comments… and was (was I really?) surprised, appalled, and then confused by the comments.

The video was a lecture of an MD-scientist who was talking about what interests most of us most: what the F… is really happening?!

Reality. Reality is happening and we have no idea what it is… we see something, other people see something else… what is real, what is made up? Continue reading “Reality? Collective hunch at best… at the very best”

Truth value? Whether you think you can or think you can’t

truth valueWhat is the truth value of Henry Ford’s statement ‘Whether you think you can or think you can’t… you are right‘?

7%. Which means: it is 93% not true.

Why so low?

Because what you think may not have anything to do with what you can do… It has more to do with something else…
Continue reading “Truth value? Whether you think you can or think you can’t”

Why is it that the intelligent person has questions, and the ignorant has answers?

complex problemsWhy is it that the intelligent person has questions, and the ignorant has answers?

The other day, on my Sunday call I talked about my next house neighbors who are both PhD students at prestigious Syracuse University. Mike, the guy I talk to every Sunday asked the question: But are they street smart?

It’s not a bad question apart from the fact that it has an agenda as loaded as a rocket launcher… My friend Mike in not educated. And obviously he thinks he is street smart, or he wouldn’t have asked the question.

When I talk about intelligent people asking lots of questions: that question wasn’t one of those… or not really. Continue reading “Why is it that the intelligent person has questions, and the ignorant has answers?”

Procrastination… Do his methods work?

Andrew KirbyThis article is about a youtube guru type, who now teaches classes and consults to eliminate procrastination.

I have a special email address I use to sign up to things I don’t really want to be bothered further on. Continue reading “Procrastination… Do his methods work?”

Is T. Harv Eker a better teacher than me?

is t harv eker a better teacher than me?Is T. Harv Eker a better teacher than me? Will you make money like him if you do his courses?

Is what he teaches better than what I teach?

Yesterday I watched T. Harv Eker’s ‘Don’t Believe A Thought You Think’ presentation yesterday. He is funny, he knows how to teach.

He was spectacular. Everything he taught was taught well, and yet his presentation’s truth value was only 50%. It seems it is not only how you teach but WHAT you teach that will matter in the end.

Only? Most things on the market clock in at 10% or lower truth value. And yet, 50% means that 50% wasn’t true. Continue reading “Is T. Harv Eker a better teacher than me?”

Why you are fat, tired, listless, dumb, moody, and lack libido (if you do)…

tired, listless, dumbUltimate healing is possible

You are tired, you are fat, you are listless and you are dumb… oh and moody, argumentative, resistant, edgy… Hard to be with… Or maybe you are meek and don’t have the courage to take care of yourself… Maybe it is not only in your head, maybe it is not only your personality… Maybe it has a lot to do with what you eat, what you drink, and this article is about that…

You have pieces of information here, pieces of information there, disconnected, most of it is untrue. In fact, the average truth value of information on the planet is 1%

The market is flooded with information and products that claim that all your misery is caused by a single cause… It’s bacteria! It’s viruses! You simply lack of enzymes! You are not breathing enough! You lack minerals, here is Youngevity! You’ll get well! You lack essential fatty acids, here, take this! You need to move! Start exercising! You are too acidic, you need to drink alkaline water! You lack of this, you lack of that. And, of course, those products will fix that one single cause… or not even that.

These bombastic claims hit a nerve in you, and you buy what they are selling. Then, for a month (or so) you’ll feel better… only to go back to feeling weak and sick, and sore, and sluggish, and depressed… etc. again.

Then comes along another product and you try that… another good month… and then come a slew of other products… but nothing really ever changes. You are tired, sluggish, fat, dumb… however you were before you started.

How do I know? I used to do that myself.
Continue reading “Why you are fat, tired, listless, dumb, moody, and lack libido (if you do)…”

True or False. Books, programs, religious beliefs, magic

Occasionally people from other ‘disciplines’ email me and ask me to muscletest with Source if what they are taught there, what they believe or want to believe as true or false.

I could get billions of emails like that, because all belief systems, especially religion, have beliefs that are not true.

If you are someone who love your beliefs, stop reading… If your beliefs sustain you in life, stop reading. Continue reading “True or False. Books, programs, religious beliefs, magic”

Learn the next piece of how to get unstuck

get unstuck so you can move againThis article may be short, maybe long… but I am intending it to be an ever growing piece.

I may be different from you, but I don’t think so.

I think every person, you, behave like you know everything there is to know to do what you want to do. And what you don’t know is ignored as if it didn’t exist… until, of course, what you want to do isn’t getting done with what you already know. Continue reading “Learn the next piece of how to get unstuck”