As promised: what is vibration? What does the vibration number measure?

earthquake ready structure higher vibrationI promised in my email… and here it is: my current understanding of the vibrational number

Dr. David Hawkins, whose vibrational or consciousness table I have been using to explain what the numbers I give you when I measure your vibration, thought that your emotional state correlates closely and well with your level of consciousness.

Instead of arguing that… what is there to argue?

You feel the way you feel.

On the other hand, if you look at those emotional states, it could be said that they hide, hide well, beingness states.
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Covering your facebook avatar with the tricolor French flag: what does it mean about you?

pretense-solidarityCovering your facebook avatar with the tricolor French flag: what does it mean about you?

Pretense? Courage?

Posting high-sounding sound bites on Facebook, like Marianne Williamson did:

David didn’t defeat Goliath by normal means; he defeated him by hitting him in the Third Eye. Goliath has one Achilles’ heel, and that is that he has no conscience. The only thing more powerful than hate gone viral is love gone viral, and that is what we must make happen now. T
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One method to force your new capacities work for you

OB-PH996_JOBSQU_F_20110824193502It seems that one method of making the newly activated capacities real has been found.

As you know, having activated DNA capacities is nice, but unless you need it, they won’t do anything. They will be like lights that are on in streets that no one passes.

The methods I am looking for are methods that make you go into those streets, so you use the light and find ways to be different, do different, have different results, different reactions, different feelings.

The issue with comfortable and somewhat successful people (you) has been is that ego won’t allow you to take risks unless you trick it. I mean: trick the ego. Sweet-talk is great, but won’t help much in this case, I have tried.

So, the method I have zeroed in with the client who inherited his father’s company is this:
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All my life I tried to not sound arrogant. The more I tried the more people thought that I was arrogant.

baby duck tryingAll my life I tried to not sound arrogant. The more I tried the more people thought that I was arrogant.

Why is this?

I could not answer this question until this afternoon.

I have been walking up and down the hill. I get into conversations, and I have noticed that people are not hiding from me any more. Actually they seem to enjoy talking to me.

Today I talked to an 80 year old man who I thought was shallow… He actually shared his depth with me, and I appreciated and acknowledge that.

He said how refreshing that was to be acknowledged for his depth instead of his brilliance, meaning his PhD and college professor status. 1
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You never know where any step takes you… The Sight does…

same-old-shit-crazy-new-shitWhen you have The Sight activated, like a lot of my students and clients, you can ask and you are, in the minimum, shown or given a signal for yes or no… proceed or not to proceed.

You don’t know why you got yes, and you don’t know why you got no… you can ask, but it is really important to trust what you are given.

This is exactly what happened yesterday.

There are all kinds of money making investment schemes, and I don’t participate in them, as a rule.

Yesterday I followed a link in an email I got, and it wasn’t clear that what it was promoting was one of these, or I would have just left… but it was shrouded in mystery.

I used The Sight to penetrate the mystery…
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What is human nature and what is human being nature?

This article may not be to your liking… Be forewarned…

What is human nature?

Counter to new-age bs, counter to positive thinking, etc. human nature, at this point, is to desire everything ONLY for themselves. Or shall I talk to you? Only for yourself. Sharing is not a capacity that is compatible with today’s human nature.

Why? Because human nature is all about survival.

The fastest way to break up a family is to die… and then the people who inherit from you will fight and hate each other.

My two brothers did that over an old rare book… both wanted it. They haven’t warmed up to each other since… this was in 1995.

It is so in sex, it is so in business, it is so everywhere.
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DNA capacity: Flexibility. Mental, spiritual, physical

reedsSometimes people get an idea of activating a capacity that is so alien to their culture, it takes a good 5-10 minutes for the history channel, the ancestors backwards, to build.

It is so unfamiliar that ego doesn’t even know to protest. It is like a way of being that is totally unfamiliar… you can’t see other than special people, like kung fu fighters, or shaolin monks to demonstrate.

Flexibility is the capacity to be able to keep your balance even though the world is pushing you hither and tether…
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DNA capacity activation webinar insights to share

destination-vs-directionEvery time I do something new, I hate it and learn something new.

We had the webinar where I activated self-trust and humility for people who were on the call… subscribers to my mailing list only.

They were also students and customers… no surprises here.

There have been a few surprises, that I’d like to share:

  1. one needs trust in others to allow me to “do them” on a public call…
  2. depending on the level of trust, a person can get a capacity activated even if it is not directed specifically at them
  3. people with the least amount of trust are the most fickle: they try anything and then get all messed up: full of attachments from their escapades.
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Musing on good and evil, and the role the unactivated DNA capacities play in that

good or evil?Some people, some groups, even some countries always bet on the wrong horse.

They are on the wrong side of life, and don’t know it. Can’t know it. Can’t see it… Why? The answer is at the end of the article… Keep reading.

The question is: is there such a thing as a national DNA, a party DNA, a group DNA?

My hunch is that yes, albeit not in the traditional sense.

Hungary, where I was born, is such country, by the way. They sided up with the Germans in both world wars… and they lost both times, with the Germans.

They are still on the wrong side of life… poverty, corruption, antisemitism.

Are you on the side of Life? Are your affiliations on the side of Life?

One of the abilities missing for Hungary is the capacity of “the sight“… being able to see where your actions are taking you.
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How the abilities activation effects children

Cooking-kids3I activated the abilities of The Sight and Appreciation a few days ago… This is the email I received this morning… unsolicited, of course.

Good morning Sophie. I finally settled in. I would like to share the change that I see after your activation of the two DNA capacities. The first thing I noticed is in my kids.

My daughter in the past never wanted to help when she was cooking or baking even though she wouldn’t have a clue what needs to be done: She had an “I already know attitude.” Now whenever she is baking she accepts little tips like what needs to go in a cookie batter. Or asks me what goes next.

I was making a chicken dish and she helped me make it while in the past she wanted to do all by herself. She is more teachable now.

Another thing: she doesn’t get mad at me when I say something good I shouldn’t have said or if I somehow made her mad, she gets over it right away. Before she would be pouting all day long, moody about nothing. Not any more.

My son has changed too. He stopped wetting the bed!
Continue reading “How the abilities activation effects children”