Dark side attack, hurry, and how choosing can save the day

What is a Dark Side event? Hard to know… but it is a lot like a locust swarm event… 1 you see the aftermath, the people’s vibration dropping, bad behaviors that were already forgotten are revived, the water losing its coherence, inside you and outside you.

My own experience is quite dramatic: hurry has crept back… anger, anxiety, wallowing, and the water.

What is it about hurry that is harmful? All of it. Continue reading “Dark side attack, hurry, and how choosing can save the day”

Choosing, choosing what is — updated with a live recording

You’ll need beginner’s mind for this…

Some mornings I have nothing to say. I am likely running on empty.

Two reasons, two causes, two energy leaks:

  • 1. reading something that has no substance to fill me up 1 and
  • 2. talking to someone whose echo empties me… like a black hole.

Continue reading “Choosing, choosing what is — updated with a live recording”