The pedestrian view… from where you see the world

pedestrian vs on stilts is the difference between low vibration and decent vibrationThe pedestrian view

All my life I wanted to be smart. Why? To make money? No, not really.

But why? Because I wanted to be safe.

When I was lost in the crowd at 3 and a half, I obviously wasn’t smart enough to know which way to go to get home.

When that guy came up to me and took my hand, I obviously wasn’t smart enough to know that he was going to hurt me.

So I spent most of my life learning, getting degrees, reading… you know, getting smart. But yet, I made a lot of mistakes that got me into trouble.

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The Shortest Way to Enlightenment, Ascension

how we have all been duped by evil hiding in plane sight I have said it. I have repeated it. And I’ll say it till my face gets blue, until you all hear it!

You cannot do anything meaningful in life, you cannot get happy, fulfilled, satisfied, have a great relationship, or earn enough money to feel prosperous by doing the stuff that would seem the logical choice: do the things that seem to get you there. Continue reading “The Shortest Way to Enlightenment, Ascension”

Addiction: Could This Healing Modality Free You From Your Prison? Bring about Heaven on Earth?

addiction and Heaven on Earth energy bundle: see where they overlap Addiction: Could This Modality Free You From Your Prison?

I just re-read an article I wrote back in November. A lot has happened since, and with the development of the Bach Flower Energies, (the energies of the Bach Flower Remedies) and the Heaven on Earth energy bundle, I can now say: there is help for addicts.

What keeps the addiction in place is the “no alternative” and the bad feelings in absence of the pleasure trigger, the thing one is addicted to.
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How To Get Your “Heaven On Earth” Energy, the 5th Phase of ascension?

heaven on earth energy bundle infused in water

How To Get Your “Heaven On Earth” Energy, the 5th Phase of ascension?

The Heaven on Earth energy bundle (the homeopathic energies of the 40 bad feelings) infused in water contains the antidote for all the bad feelings, all the character flaws, all the selfishness you can have. It is a one-command energy download, coming straight from Source.

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When should you get the Unconditional Love Activator?

timing is everything How things work: when should you get the Unconditional Love Activator and why?

When you first get your Unconditional Love Activator, the results will vary.

Why is that? Why isn’t an activator doing the same thing for everybody?

The answer is not as simple as you would like it to be.
Continue reading “When should you get the Unconditional Love Activator?”

Activators? De-activators? What are you talking about?!

heat seeking missileActivators? De-activators? What the heck are you talking about, Sophie?! Tell me what it will do for me!

In this article, I am going to talk about activators, what they are and what they can do for you. Continue reading “Activators? De-activators? What are you talking about?!”