Longevity, extend your life… a sexy topic for most, a must for me

agingI am noticing that longevity is attracting a lot of “clicks” on Youtube.

As I was looking for pictures, I found another dude, British, long beard… Aubrey de Grey… who approaches aging more the way we do here… so I’ll show his TED talk he gave in my favorite city, Budapest, Hungary, where I was born.

He looks at aging as a side effect of living, and his approach to longevity is to work with the side effects, and one by one beat them.

It’s going to take a lot of medication, and hoopla… before this can even be working on humans… but the idea is sound, so here is his TED talk. (Truth value: 20%)

You’ll see, that there is this other approach… focusing on extending. This one has one sound idea: stressing the system so it needs Consciousness to wake up. Continue reading “Longevity, extend your life… a sexy topic for most, a must for me”

Emotional Intelligence and your experience of life

Emotional Intelligence is a buzz word, an expression, that no one explains, and yet, everyone pretends that they know what they are talking about.

No such THING as emotional intelligence… it is made up.

And yet: some people maneuver life better than others, have less upsets, upheavals, self-hate, than others.

They take obstacles differently than others. They are OK with themselves, and they don’t worry about what other people think about them. They are not attention, approval, drama seekers. They just do what they do… and let others do what others do.

We call those people emotionally intelligent.

I guess you are reading this article because you are not like that. Continue reading “Emotional Intelligence and your experience of life”